Once again, the saddest and most inevitable law of American politics -
The Empire Strikes Back
The forces of privilege will always marshal intimidation and fear in their favor.
What is wrong with the picture above?
It is a violation of our medical standards. People are gathered in a tight space with very few masks and no social distancing. And, except for those who might get close to the precious leader, NO TESTING.
They are trying to communicate that the COVID-19 crisis is over, that it is now safe to cavort about our regular business. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Not only is this bad in and of itself (just ask the ghost of Herman Cain), but it will encourage others to take these risks. As a result, our first wave will continue to thrive. We may not know when the second wave will hit because we're still drowning in the first wave.
Still, some will see this image and draw strength from it. The Americans who are swayed by fascistic imagery may be a minority, but as 2016 demonstrated, it does not take a majority to win. Just pick off the right states, discourage and suppress the voters you don't like, and you could still find yourself on top.
It is a violation of the Hatch Act.
You are absolutely, unconditionally NOT supposed to use the White House or other federal agencies and resources as a prop. Whether the Hatch Act covers the President is, unfortunately, debatable in this twisted society of ours, but is not debatable that other federal employees CANNOT be used to help the President pull this off.
I was horrified to find that some reporters were saying even if this was illegal, the visuals were good.
I mean, WTF???????
Wrong is wrong!
Nevertheless, for those who clutch to grotesque displays of power, of twisted trotting out of misplaced patriotism, of putting the libtards in their place, of responding to messages of fear (You think I made things BAD? Biden will make them WORSE!), this was a triumph.
Yes, the speech was long and boring and filled with lies. He's a lousy teleprompter reader. His tiny hands had to clutch the podium for dear life. He sweated like he was a fat man in a Swedish sauna.
And yet...
It wasn't about any of those things.
It was about the optics.
The optics that said -
Covid-19 is over.
I am in charge, here at the White House.*
It is unpatriotic and dangerous to support anyone else.
My fellow anti-Trumpers, I know you are the vast majority of those who read this, and I know last week and the DNC Convention filled with hope. And I am not asking you to despair. But we have to recognize this fundamental reality -
The Empire Always Strike Back
Yes, 45 to 50% of the American people would never, ever vote for Trump under any circumstances. And sadly, 35 to 40% will vote for Trump no matter what. But there are 10% or so who float, and I fear what they may do. I fear it greatly.
The Trump Convention was a disaster, a nepotistic lie-a-thon. But that may not be what the 10% saw. Some of that group may have seen the trappings of the White House and ooohed and ahhed. Some may have seen the crowd and thought - hey, that COVID-19 thing is OVER!
I was going to go on with some of the disastrous polling switch going on with Black Lives Matters, but that would easily double the length of this, so I'll have to address that separately soon.
Just be aware of this equation that the Trumpists are converting the floating 10% to -
BLM + Protestors = Rioters + Property Damage
Nothing could be further from the truth, but since when has truth mattered to Trump and his lackeys?
Settle in, my friends.
We are in for a very bumpy ride.