Saturday, May 23, 2009

Mr. Barack Obama, Jr.

BenJerMan's Gate class at his school have an annual live museum. They take on the character of a well-known person and give an auto-biographical speech. After thinking about being Jackie Robinson, he decided to be President Barack Obama, a candidate he was enthused about even before his parents.

I have hopefully included a video of his performance. It has left off the first few lines which go - "I am Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. I am the first person of African-American heritage to hold the office. I was raised by my loving mother and grandparents in Hawaii and Kansas. After graduating from Harvard Law School, I moved to Chicago and became a lawyer and community organizer..." the rest should be in the video.

Yes, Benjamin is not African-American, but why should skin color be important in who we choose to identify with?

Yes, I also know it's sideways. I promise I will get more adept over time. Probably.

Yes, there is also a surprise bonus video of BenJerMan's pal Grant doing Dr. Louis Pasteur. I can't fully explain it, but it's only three seconds.

1 comment:

  1. What a hoot!! When Benjamin gets to be as old as his brothers, you and Alison are going to be so thrilled that you have this video!
    And Tom - Trying to watch video sideways is quite a trick!! ;-D
