Sunday, June 8, 2014

Birthday of the World's Best Brother-In-Law

My brother-in-law, Michael Easlick, holding his young son, Nicholas Easlick.  Nick is now full grown, a business professional, happily married, and living in Chicago.  Why is Nick pointing a finger to his temple?  I don't know, but I'm  sure it's not to indicate that he thinks his father is crazy.  Well, reasonably sure.

Super congratulations to my brother-in-law on his (mumbely-mumbelyth) birthday yesterday, June 7th!

He lived just a few doors down from us, but my sister didn't really get to know him until they both went to Central Michigan Michigan, and she got rides home to Bridgeport from this guy who was a year ahead of her.  What started out as a hitchhiking convenience gradually became something else, and they were married shortly after graduating, in 1978.  They had a beautiful wedding, whose only low point was their odd choice for a wedding ceremony singer (me). 

Carol and Mike with their two wonderful children, Nick and Tiffany.  It's not anybody's birthday.  They just like to wear those hats.  It's just something you get used to.

Carol and Mike raised two great kids, Nick and Tiffany, who are now successful happy adults with loving relationships of their own.  And why not?  They had the perfect relationship to observe, right in front of them, the entire time they were growing up.

Mike worked as a teacher, coach and guidance counselor for over thirty years!  The same steadiness that he had in his career was also seen in his complete devotion to Carol and their children.

Here are Carol and Mike pictured at one of the happiest moments of their life, the marriage of their son Nicholas to Kristen.

Hope you had the happiest of birthdays, Mike!  You deserve it!  I have never once had to worry about my sister, knowing that she has been in your loving and capable care.  You have been the rock and foundation on which she and her children have been able to form happy, healthy lives.

Alison, Benjamin, Greg, Doug and I send you all our love, and look forward to when we see you and Carol again.

Happy Happy Joy Joy!

Special 62-skidoo update!

Michael Easlick is now also a Grandfather!  He is the Granpa of a beautiful grand-daughter, Bailey!  The Easlicks are moving to the Grand Rapids area to be closer to their Tiffany and their new grandchild.

I haven't been able to retire yet like Michael, and I have no grandchild.  But after all, I'm so much younger than he he is.  A whole one year and two days!

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