Thursday, September 1, 2016

A Breathtaking View From My Writecation

Woohoo!  Vacation days are here!

I have so many days to use or lose, so I thought I would take a couple to go to the most exciting destination I can think of - the land of writing!

I started yesterday and have today as well.  Then I have my usual Fridays off, the weekend and Monday is Labor Day.  So that's almost an entire week to be in this exotic locale!

So what story am I working on in this land of letters and words?  Why.....

My Europa!

That's right!  I'm going all the way to Jupiter's moon, baby!  Well, one of them at any rate.

There's a few chapters of this posted on my blog, but I won't be posting the whole thing - some of the chapter parts are a bit salty.  So to read the whole thing you might have to wait until it's published.  Even if I finish it soon, like I hope, I may try a few publishing markets first before I turn it into an eshort or mini-paperback.

I am also trying to edit some on Crowley Stories.  I'm just not sure where.  I'm trying to utilize the writing/editing program Scrivener, but even after watching some how-to videos, I am still extremely lost on making it function to service my editing needs.  I may edit my Word program more, and try the Scrivener thing later.  I do see the possibility if I master the program, that I could do the second History of the Trap book using it.  The one thing I have seen that I like the best is the utilization of character bibles that are easily accessible as you write,  That would be pretty cool for a book that has dozens of characters.

I will also be looking at more ways to promote the books that I have.  It so easy to have your works sink into the voluminous mass and disappear on Amazon.  How many people looking for a young adult novel scroll through 423 screens of 20 books each and find History of the Trap?  Well, I can tell you based on my paperback sales this month, it's somewhere between zero and nada,

So aloha!

From my fabulous writecation, I wish you all the best!  I'll see you when I get back and plunge into the never-ending accounting world!

I think I'll take a break and grab me one of them there drinks with an umbrella in it.

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