Monday, September 18, 2017

Lit Up Monday Musings

Here Comes Tommy is available on Amazon or at the OHC. 


We lit up.  Yep.  Lights and power since Wednesday.  It's been a pleasure, let me tell you.  I'm grateful there are no more hurricanes on the horizon.

Maria!  I just saw a hurricane named Maria!  And suddenly her name, will never be the same, I just hope her path takes her away...from our coast.


Here Comes Tommy had its big debut event - the Arts Festival at the Okefenokee Heritage Center! From Saturday 9 AM to 2 PM, I sold exactly.....ZERO copies!  I did sell two copies of The History of the Trap,

To date, I've sold one copy - to my sister.  Yes, I made my sister buy the book rather than get a copy free.  Well, I would have given her one, but she was faster than I was.  Of course, then I would have a total of ZERO sales.

Oh ,well.  More events coming up.  I'll probably have to spend more on publicity, probably exceeding what I can recoup in sales.

Bottom line?  Looks like I'll be working part-time in accounting even longer than I thought.  Happy Happy Joy Joy.


I do have a science fiction short finished, My Europa.  I still have some editing to do on it.  I'll probably shop it in some science fiction magazine markets before I give up and self-publish.

Crowley Stories: Swamp's Edge is completely finished, and has been for awhile.  I've been having a lot of trouble working up the nerve to send it to agents and markets and such.  I mean, how do I buck up to do that, when I have ZERO sales on my new book, in an environment where people are already supposed to know me?


I am in two (count 'em - two) plays that are rehearsing right now.  One is The Odd Couple (the female version), where I am playing the male equivalent of one of the Byrd Sisters.  And guess who's playing the other brother?  BENJAMIN!!!  That's right!  The Strait Boys...onstage together!  My best advice to the Directors and Crew - make sure the sofa is heavily reinforced!

I am also going to be in The Model Apartment put on by Purlie Productions, where I will play and elderly survivor of the Jewish holocaust.  I will be onstage with two of my favorites, Julianna Lacefield and Emily Beck, so I will be looking forward to that.  I have a lot of lines.  It will be a real challenge for me to learn, particularly with being in another play as well.

I am greatly stressed that I will be missing some rehearsals for each one.  Normally I am an Attendance King, and that's just not gonna be possible this time.


Watching the Falcons football game, we were glad that they won, but we are more conscious than ever at the number of injuries we saw.  It's a harder sport to watch now, knowing more about the long term damage these players are suffering.

Atlanta United has been amazing in their new stadium, having won two and tied one, and outscoring their opponents 13 to 3!  They are already setting attendance records, and I hope to be part of the crowd very soon.


No, I haven't forgotten who is President.  And yes, I'm still losing sleep over it.  I am still agitated over it.  My faith in my fellow Americans, particularly my white evangelical friends, continues to shrink.  He re-posted a tweet of himself hitting Hillary Clinton with a golf ball.  Ladies and gentleman, the President of the United States.  God help us all.

Until next time,

T. M. Strait

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