Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Can't Stop that Wednesday Wandering Feeling

Let's start our Wednesday Wanderings with anothe picture from Alison, taken during her Saturday photography walking tour.

For the sharp-eyed frequent blog reader, that is our church, Grace Episcopal!  Looking good, eh?  I'm not hep to architectural styles, but that looks kinda like in the Spanish family. 

The building has been around a long time.  Over 150 yrars?  Something like that.  It is a very beautiful and spirit-filled church.  It does require quite a bit of maintenance.  Sometimes I wish we were able to focus more on outreach spending than building maintenance, but we manage.


I posted this calendar of the 1/6 hearings on Facebook, just to keep people informed.  And well, yes, as a mild outreach to my friends who still like the smell of Trump's posterior region.

My surprise was the kickback from some of those who normally support me and those of us who beleive Trump should be held responsible.  They commented about how the hearings won't accomplish anything, that the hearings won't reach the people that need to hear them. that they were mere entertainment or spectacle.

I have too much hope and faith in me.  I can't stop thinking of how Superman never gives up, how leaders from Martin Luther King, Jr and Ghandi fought against overwhelming odds.  Don't tell the odds, man!  I know how bad they are!  I know this most likely will not change the minds of the Trumpeteers that surround me, that they will zone it out as if it is not happeneing at all.  I KNOW ALL THAT!

Nevertheless, it needs to be said.  The story needs to be recorded, if for history if nothing else.

Maybe this generation will not wake up.  But perhaps a generation or two down the road will see it and turn to their elderly Trumpeteer family, and go, "What the hell were you thinking?"

Of course, this is premised on the far right not suceeding in controlling public education and filtering what is taught, especially history.

I know.  I'm a windmill tilter.


My comics are sold.  This should help us manage our finances, reduce our debt, and help us plan for travel.  There are places we wnat to go (Ireland and Great Britain, Canada, New England) but primarily we want to be able to travel to see our far-flung family.  I have a grandaughter in New York that I am aching to see!  


Over half year into accounting retirement and no, I'm not bored.  I'M LOVING IT! I have plans that I hope to get to, but the biggest one I'm already doing - ENJOY LIFE!

Wanderingly Yours,

T. M. Strait

Please note, Grammarly did not attach, for whatever reason.  I'm sure they are some real grammatical stinkpiles in this, but hopefully I'll be able to correct them at a future date.  Or not.  Whatever.

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