Tuesday, August 16, 2022

It's Back!


Once again, I'm having trouble spending much time at my desktop. 

This time, however, it's not my feet or knees.

Now, it's the back.

I'm not complaining...just letting you know a part of why my blogging is limited.

This is unusual. Most of the time, I have low-grade back pain, but it's at a nuisance level and not a restrictive level. Once in a while, I'll have a back spasm that's usually over in a few minutes.

But this? Chronic back pain that lasts for days and days? That hasn't happened for years.

I can't say for sure what caused it, but the most likely suspect was spending too much desk time on Monday, August 8th, preparing for a class I had that night that required a lot of reading and watching videos.

Fortunately, it didn't stop me from helping Benjamin move into his college apartment. It was painful, but I got through it. We had A LOT of help from church family - Dan Strickland and his mother, Linda, who also brought Benjamin some furniture and household supplies, and the Holland family (Donald and Brandy Holland, and daughter Lilli - their oldest daughter, Carli, had moved into the dorms the day before). As they say - "many hands make light work." Which is better than the other saying - "many feet make stinky wine."

The only change in my back condition is that earlier, it seemed the pain would be at its worst when I tried to get out of bed or after sitting for a while, and standing or moving reduced the pain. Unfortunately, starting yesterday, that's no longer true. Pain can accelerate even during/after walking.

Last night I went to my first play practice for Harvey. There was pain, but I think I hid it well. It didn't really hit me too bad until the drive home.

Well, I better not go on too long. I need to get over this because...my grass is growing again. I'm going to have to mow, starting tomorrow or Thursday.

Be patient! I'll do my best to stay in touch, my blog buddies!

T. M. Strait

1 comment:

  1. Hey!!!
    You have a great attitude.
    I may need to ride your coat tails, until I get over my stuff. 😃

    Take Care
