Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Getting Ready to Swing

Yesterday, Alison rearranged the deck furniture on our titanic screened-in porch. She did this while I was at play rehearsal.

She was making room for the porch swing she and her father were building.

You read that right. Alison and her father. Not me. I am not building the swing. I don't think there's any demand for me to try.

This is one of the reasons I am not comfortable with strict gender roles and why I have been more open to people being who they are and not what others expect.

For better or worse, I have never been handy or crafty. If Alison or others want me to help with something, and they can direct me to exactly what I need to do, I'll be happy to help. But I have no ability or interest in doing more.

Fortunately, Alison likes these kinds of projects and happily takes the lead.  

Again, anyone who expects the male to do one thing and the female to do the other will be sorely disappointed.  

In the picture above is Cocoa Bear, carefully inspecting the changes to our back porch. I told her about the swing, and she said she would give it a hard pass. Only Boss-A-Man was interested, and that was only if he could be on our laps.

I may use it some. If nothing else, it will give me a different place to sit, so I won't sit in any one place for too long, which I think contributes to my arthritis pains.

I'll be sure to show you pictures when the swing has been installed.


1 comment:

  1. Our sunroom is our Happy Place. Your porch looks perfect for a swing and a place for relaxing. True words about the roles of male and female. Cocoa Bear, love the name!
