Saturday, August 5, 2023

Going Down With the Trumptanic: Saturday Political Soap Box 293


President Biden is on a roll.  Whatever his age, his achievements have been extraordinary.  He led us out of the worst of the Pandemic, even though many were willing to make other people sick by not following basic health protocol, in the name of freedumb.  Given the pits the economy was in, it has come around remarkably under Biden.  The lowest unemployment in several decades, improving stock market and GDP, growth in manufacturing jobs, and inflation whipped faster than any other industrialized country.  He has passed the most comprehensive infrastructure bill in American history, including our most significant effort to deal with climate change.  He has organized an international coalition to help Ukraine fight the invasion of Russia, including the strengthening and expanding of NATO.  This is in the face of bitter Republican opposition and a far-right-extremist Supreme Court.

And yet...

A recent New York Times poll shows Biden and Trump in a dead heat.

Twice-impeached, thrice indicted, two-time popular vote loser, narcissistic misogynist bully racist Donald J. Trump.

It's true.  America has done some shameful things in the past (sorry, DeSantis, that's the hard truth), but this attachment to this foul figure, Trump, is breaking my heart and shattering my faith in many of those around me (I live in a county that voted 87% for Trump - BOTH TIMES).

If you're still sticking with this orange buffoon, maybe this will shake you away...let's look at the two major defenses he's tried for his latest indictment, centered around his efforts to overthrow an election he knew he had lost.

1) I have freedom of speech.  I can say whatever I want, even if it is a lie.

Wow.  Think about that one for a minute.  His defense is that lying to you about an election is okay?  Really?  That's what you want?  Someone who has no shame in lying to you?

2) I was following the advice of my lawyers.  It's their fault.

My Grandfather Martin was a bit of a booze hound, probably an alcoholic.  Whenever a doctor told him to live, he had to give up the booze; he simply found another doctor that wouldn't hound him about it.  And when that doctor started in about not drinking, he would find another doctor who wouldn't tell him to stop drinking.  This plan didn't work forever - he eventually died, with liver cirrhosis being a significant cause.

And that's what Trump does.  His lawyer shops until he gets one that tells him what he wants to hear.

And what does that tell you, my Trumpeteer friend, about the judgment of your favorite clown?  He can't distinguish between bad advice and good advice.  He hears whatever he wants to hear.


I've suffered a lot in the last seven years.  People I care about cling to this idiot, who had no business being a dog catcher, much less President of the United States.  You sold out all your values, including the love of country and democracy, all for this despicable human being who doesn't give a damn about you, especially your so-called Christian values.

Now, I know there are many issues where you and I might not agree - universal health care, Green New Deal, a living wage, free post-secondary education (including community colleges and apprenticeships), supporting the LGBTQ+ community, and more.  But you know what we shouldn't argue over?  Democracy, voting rights, free and fair elections, being kind and supportive to all Americans.

I'm sick of Trump.  I'm sick of those who sell their decency out to support him.  I'm sick of your attachment to him.

He's irredeemable slime.  And he deserves all the indictments he has received.  

And that's just the tip of the Trumpberg.

Please stop shuffling the deck chairs.  Get off the Trumptanic, once and for all.  It's going down, and you don't need to be aboard.

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