Friday, January 26, 2024

The Original Goth Girl

Continuing my plundering of Fibber McGee's closet*, I've opened up a Pandora's box of early family photos. And when I say early, I mean...EARLY.  

There are photos dating back to the beginnings of photography. Some are labeled, and some are not.

All of it was pretty interesting, and along with other research my Dad did, I may be able to piece a lot of it together. It will, however, take some time.

And then, I came across this photograph - 


Oh, my lord! What is this?

I've found the original Goth Girl! It's not just the dress; it's the picture as a whole. The eerie, dark background, what she is holding, the spidery top to her umbrella, her Wednesday-style expression - the whole effect is...very gothic.

Who is she? As best I can tell, she is a daughter of Reuben Strait. Reuben is, if I got this right, my great-great-grandfather. On the other side of the picture is a portrait of Reuben and his entire family. She also appears to be in that picture, although she is less "gothed-up."

When was the picture taken? It is not dated, but I found a picture of Reuben, showing the Strait family men who were part of a Masonic Lodge. The image is dated as 1898. Reuben is identified as being 64 years old at that time. He is visibly older than the family picture on the Goth Girl's reverse side.

My preliminary analysis concludes that the family picture is likely from the 1880s, perhaps in the middle of that decade. The Goth Girl appears slightly younger than in the family photo, but that is a supposition.

My best guess at this time is between 1880 and 1886. Hopefully, further research will provide a clearer answer.

So many questions?

Why is she holding a tilted cup?

What is she holding in her other hand?

Part of the backdrop looks real; part looks like it could be a scenery backdrop.

Is that a steamboat in the water behind her?

There are so many stories swirling in my head! My creative juices flow, but I need time to let them fumilate**. 

I like to write fiction on Friday, but my mind is overwhelmed with the possibilities here.

Please give me a week, and I hope to begin something...special.

Gothically yours,

T. M. Strait

* please see earlier posts.

**yes, Grammarly, I know that's not a real word.  I don't care.

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