Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Thoughts on a Tragic Day

Today, in an unexpected and tragic way, someone very special and important on our theatre group lost someone very close to her.  Bobbie Bateman, our gifted artistic director, had recently found herself in a loving relationship with a man whom I only know as Uriah.  She had lost her husband several years ago to cancer, and more recently, her beloved dance mentor, Freddie Martinez.  Bitten by tragedy, she had found a way to move and grow with her new relationship.  But that was taken away from, as Uriah experienced a horrible late night motorcycle accident while trying to go into work.

Why do horrible things happen to good people?  How does one make sense of the awful tragedies that confound mankind, both on a societal and on an individual level?  It's the oldest question man asks himself, and I'm not sure there is an easy answer.

At these terrible times, I know it can be tempting to think of God as one mean son of a B. But, at the risk of offending some theologically, that is not God. God is love. God, Christ and the Holy Spirit is in each and everyone of us, saint and sinner, believer and unbeliever alike. God is in the calming breeze. God is in the hand that reaches out to you. God is in the strength, compassion and caring we give each other. God is in the small child that looks up to us, filled with hope, looking for our guidance, love and support.

I know this will sound silly, redundant, and sentimental, but it's important. Every day, be sure to tell the ones you love that you love them. Every day tell the ones that you care about that you care for them. Do it both in what you say and what you do. Love is not a limited resource, like oil or gold. Love is limitless and should be given freely, wastefully, constantly.

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