Saturday, October 8, 2011

Saturday Political Soap Box 12

Occupy Wall Street! Despite the wishes of corporate America, this doesn't appear to be fading away, but instead growing exponentially. What does it mean to you? What do you hope comes out of it? Is this the beginning of an important social and political movement, or just a bunch of bums wasting our time?

I am really interested in your opinion about the phenomenon and would love to read expressions of your opinions and thoughts.

To me, it is just the beginning of a dramatic refocusing of the nation's attention away from the wasted diversions about government spending, deficits, and anti-health care rants that have dominated America's recession era thinking. It's a notice that there is an understanding that the problems really stem form the domination of Wall Street, Corporations, and wealthy interests, who seem to have complete control of our political system. These are groups who will get bailed out and government largesse and loophole's created for, while the rest of us cope with increasing personal debt and a shrinking job base. That it is not okay that corporate CEO's makes several hundreds times more income than the wages of their average employee. That banks are bailed out, refuse to loan money to individuals and small businesses that helped bail them out, and then when called to account instead invent more fees just to sock it to the rest of us. That corporations have cut millions of jobs in America while adding millions of jobs overseas. That many of the wealthy pay a lower rate of tax than hard working middle class families.

Do they have a coherent, media friendly declaration of purpose? No, of course not. It is an organic movement that is still emerging. Good lord, I'm still trying to figure out what the Tea Party was really all about, other than blind hatred of Obama.

But I think there is a promise there that may actually help us look at things in a new way.

That is a brief sketch of my thoughts. What are yours?


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