Friday, December 13, 2019

Rains Upon the Kingdom: Friday Flash Fiction

The rains will not stop.

All across the Kingdom, the floodwaters rise.

Some people have some small boats.  The few with yachts have already left.  There is no Noah.

KIng Franklin was just on the air. Well, most could no longer access their TVs, but they heard him on the radios or saw via their phones.  The internet that remained was limited and highly restricted in content, but it sure was available for government propaganda.

Fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, loyal citizens of The Kingdom, the rains that deluge our promised land will soon dissipate.  This is what our weather diviners tell us, and the power of our prayer will make it so.

Until then, the love of God protect us all.  Seek the highest ground you can.  Listen to the radio or your phone for bulletins, and the nearest location of assistance from the Kingdom's Guards.  They are setting up shelters across the breadth of the Kingdom.  No matter how dire it seems, you are not far from those who love you and strive to keep you safe.

As for the foul rumors you may hear emanating from insurrectionists and heathens, or those from lands outside the Kingdom, the rains are not caused by global warming.  Is that not a ridiculous notion?  If the world was warming, would that not cause the rains to evaporate?  We have proved over and over that any extreme weather we experience is simply a natural phenomenon, a reflection of the will of God.

The best solution is to pray.  The quickest route to the ceasing of the rain is to get right with God.  Too many of us have been slack.  Too many of us have backslid to old and dangerous ways of thinking.  Too many have been questioning of the wisdom and principles of the Kingdom.

This must stop.  If you know of those whose spirit is damaging the Kingdom, please let your pastor know, or someone from the Kingdom Guard.

May God bless you with the riches of the Kingdom.  May God see you through this storm.

Many prayed.  Some drowned.  A multitude lost their homes and possessions.

The rains continued.  They would continue for forty days and forty nights.

And then we will see what is left.

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