Friday, June 29, 2012

June Musings!

Hope to have other reaction later, but here is my brief, instant reaction to the Supreme Court upholding the Affordable Care Act -


So you know, same ol' same ol'.  Yes, there are pitfalls ahead.  If America elects a Republican President, retains a right wing extremist House of Representatives, and manages a sixty plus majority in the Senate, than we might possibly be plunged back into the stone age.  And some states may choose to slow track this whole thing, pushing back medicaid expansion, and thereby increase the costs of the whole thing, which even though Republicans cause the problem they will be going "See! See! It's increasing the budget!"  Oh, good grief.

Today was my Dad's 90th birthday.  My sister helped organize a great party. I hope to publish pictures soon.  My older boys were not able to be there, but they were to talk to Grandpa via Skype. as was Carol's son Nicholas. Dad seemed appreciative, but a little worn out from the day's activities.

I don't know where the Fall election is headed.  By all logic, President Obama should be elected in a landslide.  But who knows what whims will influence things when the time comes?  It's a pretty scary thought.

I have fallen behind in seeing movies again, both at the theater and at home.  Prometheus will now have to wait to rent.  I still have high hopes of seeing The Dark Knight Rises in the theater.  And I have Chronicles on my Netflix list.

The Strait Line, at last check was at 1,375 page views for the month of June.  This exceeds last month's record of 1,025 by 350, with one day to go.  Woohoo!

Next week should feature some stories with more pictures in it.  I should get back on track with History of the Trap.  I would also like to publish one or two more things on Smashword.

Until we meet at The Strait Line again,

T.M. Strait


  1. Mittbot is resorting to a last ditch (and highly over used) strategy of using Hillary's words she said during her run for the presidency against Obama. At least they're acknowledging Hillary has some strong credibility!

  2. c'mon, don't hold back, tell me how you really feel. jk :)

  3. Mittbot 2012 is once again sent scrambling for a reprogramming and reboot session. And don't worry, Coleen. I won't be as subdued next time! ;)
