Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Midnight Rings a Heavy Bell

It's another midnight
There is no light
We have lost the right
To a gifted sight
We tried to fight
But we had not the might
Our brave citizens united
Could not beat their Citizens United
Money done talks
Fear now stalks
Democracy has taken a walk
No vaccine from Salk
Can bring it back
But we must not lack


We must not give up
We must not surrender
How do we ever tell our children
We just stopped trying.

So onwards we plods
Despite the odds
Never give up
Never surrender

There will be a dawn someday


  1. How can Democracy have walked? The will of the people have spoken. You may not like what they said but they still had the freedom to speak their minds.

  2. A flood of money from a handful of fat cats and extreme voter suppression says otherwise. And really, Rhonda, you really want a country without unions? Sometimes, you really need to be careful what you wish for. Hoping to work longer hours for less pay and no benefits? Keep voting for Republicans and your dreams may come true.

    Please note also you may see that I was against the recall effort. Sometimes you have to live with the consequences of your actions.

  3. I'm with you Tom, the rights previous generations fought so hard for are all being wiped away by those who don't know what life was like before with no job benefit's, longer hours, no pay increases and often less pay, etc.

  4. I hear a rap
    A rhythm, snap
    It might be lost
    But that would cost

    Another look
    Separate book

    Can't take it back
    Man's got the knack
    For puttin' down
    The words which sound

    Like anarchy
    No malarkey

    Anonymous :)

  5. Awesome! Nice poetic response! Thanks!
