Monday, January 5, 2015

The Siege Begins and Other Monday Musings

And so it begins.

Another tax season.

No theater.

Opportunities to write more limited.

Very few trips out of town, if any.

A three and a half month stretch.

BUT...I will try to not to work as many hours as in the past.  Even though my 10% retirement is null and void this time of year, I will try to limit my overtime compared to prior years.  And my work schedule is not quite what you may fantasize it to be.  There are many, many people who work a lot more hours than I do, even this time of year.

Regardless of the total number of hours, though, the work is very stressful and more involved than other times of year.

So you may see shorter posts, or days skipped.  I'll do my best.

And this year, I have newspaper columns for two different papers to keep up with.  That should be interesting.

Alison goes back to work today, too.  Benjamin does not start back to school until Wednesday.  Part of his three week Christmas break.  But then, he'll have to find a way to struggle all the way to his next break to Martin Luther King Day on January 19th, in which he'll get another break.  That's a whopping eight school days before the next break.  Poor kid.  My next official holiday is......Memorial Day.

The Detroit Lions broke my heart.  Per usual.  Yes, it shouldn't have come down to one of the strangest reversals of calls I've ever seen (pass interference was called, the announcers and their experts agreed, and then was inexplicably reversed without explanation), but that is just par for the course.  Am I still a Lions fan?  Always and forever.  There is always next year.  Fresh heartache awaits.

We did get to St. Simons on Saturday.  We ate at Barbara Jeans on the pier, something I try to do at least once a year.  It was my parent's favorite restaurant on the island, when they would come to winter.  Then we went to the movie theater on the island, where Alison and I saw The Theory of Everything, and Benjamin and his MeeMaw saw Into the Woods.  Neither of these movies were playing in Waycross.  They're too busy running movies that appeal to, ummm, a different demographic.  Movies with titles like That Darn Atheist, Fast Cars and Big Guns, and Jack the Ass 4.

The Theory of Everything was a very good movie.  Alison in particular loved it.  I had not realized that Stephen Hawkings was married and had children.  The movie had very little science, but a lot of drama, romance, and overcoming adversity.  I believe that we watched a movie that will get nominated for an Oscar.

I finished the first draft of History of the Trap.  It is my first completed novel ever, and I am quite excited about it.  I need to go back through and edit it, and then let a select few read it and give me feedback for further edits.  My plan is to try to promote it for publication by others before resorting to self-publishing.  It won't be easy, as I don't always handle rejection well, but it is something I am determined to try.  It will be difficult to live with myself if I don't try.

Speaking of trying, I made the horrible mistake of weighing myself this morning.  There is certainly a lot of trying to do there.

Until next time,

T. M. Strait

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