Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wednesdays Are Once Again Wandering

I have thoughts for about a half dozen posts, but none of them are coalescing fast enough to complete in the limited time I have in the morning to write.  Tax season is now in the thick of it, and my mind is in a foggy forest, where I can make out vague shapes but not individual trees.

This is a picture of puppies I found,.  I don't know why it's here.  I just like puppies.

This is the President of the United States.  He was elected twice.  You wouldn't know that around here.  You also wouldn't know that he is probably the most accomplished and successful President of our lifetime, rescuing us from the deepest recession of our lifetime  (unless you're over 80).  But it doesn't matter where I'm at.  If he balanced the budget, they would complain he hadn't eliminated the debt left behind by other administrations.  If he cured cancer, they would say he's putting doctors out of work. If he walked on water, they would call him Satan.  But me? I like the President of the Untied States.

This is like a spaceman or something.  It represents the world of science fiction.  Not everybody likes science fiction and fantasy.  But enough do to, say, make The Game of Thrones the highest rated show ever on HBO.  Many of the top movies that have made the most money at the box office are science fiction/fantasy.  That irritates some people.  It does not irritate me.  I like writing in those fields, and have just finished a novel called History of the Trap.  Some people will be inclined not to read it because it has elements of science fiction/fantasy in it.  Well, others might not because it is written by an amateur writer and not a real writer.  But no matter.  I like science fiction and fantasy.

Here's something I don't like.  Tax season.  Blech.

Oh, well.  Back to the stone of grind.

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