Saturday, March 3, 2018

Revenge of the Speculatron! Saturday Political Soap Box 178

It's time for another speculatron!

Yes, wild and often inaccurate speculation about an uncertain political future!

Speculation #1

Donald Trump cannot survive the tailspin he is in.

Of course, there is no rational way that he still be with us now,  By everything that's happened to past Presidents, we should be complaining about President Mile "Handmaid's Tale" Pence right now.

But I think Mueller's got Trump in the crosshairs.  He is building a case that only the most ignorant, addled, white supremacist-style psychopaths will be able to deny.  The list of impeachable offenses will be longer than a 1980s New York City phone book.

Will he survive?  Maybe.  Stranger tales have been told.  Should he survive,  Oh, H to the no.  Not if we preserve any decency and democracy to our system.

Speculation #2

The House and Senate are Back, Baby!

Yes.  Unless something remarkable occurs, the House and Senate will be back under Democratic Party control this November.

What will that mean?

It depends.  There are two basic Democratic parties.  One is Progressive, the other is Corporate.  It's not an either/or thing, though.  Many will have a mix of positions.  What progress we'll make will depend on that mix.  I can't say for sure, but I think it will lean progressive.

How will the White House react?  Hard to say.  If it's Trump, he has no real fixed political position, except for aggrandizing himself, and his white supremacist instincts.  He may bend on some things.  He shifts and squirms, depending on who is the last person to talk to him, and how much they kiss up to him.  Flattery will get you everyone.  At least until the next person to butter him up.

If it's Pence, probably nowhere.  He's on a mission from God.  OK, well, I doubt it's really God he's talking to, but he and "Mother" will definitely try to careen off toward The Handmaid's Tale.  I don't think he'll have much success., but he can veto and executive order, and be protected in his prejudice by an increasingly conservative Supreme Court.  God help us all (and by that I mean the real, true, loving god).

Speculation #3

Just like Trump did with his businesses, Trump's policies will bankrupt us.

This is not speculation, as much as it is basic economic truth.  His own budgeting creates an additional trillion dollar debt.  His passed tax plan (designed to assign virtually all benefits to the very wealthy and corporation) will lead to a trillion and a half more in debt.

And suddenly, viola!  Republicans no longer care about the debt.  It's magic!  Until the Democrats take control again.  Then it will be non-stop whining about the debt THEY CREATED!

Side note:  if the Republicans will continue to try to come for your Social Security, Medicare, and even Veteran benefits.  I GUARANTEE IT.  Note, however, I say try,  Because....

Specualtion #4

People are finally getting woke!

Yes, that has been the best part of these dark times!  Citizens are taking to the streets and media, and they're trying to force the media and the politicians to pay attention!  Whether it's the #MeToo movement, or the brave and courageous students standing up for gun reform, it is breathtaking and encouraging to see.

We are still losing more battles than we are winning, but we are fighting back.  But we can't forget the most important plale to turn out - and that is the ballot box.  And it's not just enough to challenge at the federal level.  We also have to...

Speculation #5

Take back State and Local Offices!

Anyone who thinks that malevolence occurs only at the federal level is sadly mistaken.  Look at the damage Lt. Governor is causing with Delta.  Georgia could lose one of it's major employers over an NRA discount!  Stunning, really.  Corporations have to be forcibly compelled to offer a discount they no longer want to offer?  How childish!  How moronic!

And trust me, even at the local level, politicians operate without the best interests of their constituents.  'Nuff said for now.

Not every state and municipality is going to flip.  But I do believe a better balance will be restored.

Speaking of balance, I really think the country would operate better with a multi-party system.  It would require shifting coalitions and common sense compromises.   But that's for another speculatron at another time.

We must continue to strive for the light at the end of a very dark tunnel.

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