This weekend, we went to Springfest at Georgia College & State University in Milledgeville, Georgia.
Benjamin has chosen Georgia College, which he had received early admittance to last November. He accepted admittance in February and has already received his schedule for classes in the Fall(part of an early registration process they call Pounce).
The whole experience was positive and joyous. There were some twinges of sadness that our boy would soon be moving away and be on his own. Given the three hour distance of the school, there will probably be some long stretches where we don't see him.
The opening session had rally aspects to it, with a pep band and sing-a-longs. That is when I got choked up. I was just overwhelmed at the friendliness of the college, and the opportunities that Benjamin was going to have. There was a part of a song where the parents were encouraged to sing loud, and I couldn't because my emotions were too close to the surface.
Of the three schools that Benjamin was considering, Georgia College was the Goldilocks - not too big, not too small, everything was just right. I went to a large institution, the University of Michigan, and although not entirely negative, it was a bit overwhelming, especially for an introvert. I think I might have been better off at a smaller school, where I might have seen some of the same people more often, and not have to start from scratch with every class I took.
There was a student organization fair, and Benjamin gave his email to get information on a lot of them. No, he won't be able to participate in all of them, but I am so grateful that he has so many choices.
We are winding down on his high school experience, with just a little over two months to go. His Prom is this Saturday! Yes, I know, that seems awfully early, but that's a topic for another blog story. There is still homework and assignments to finish up, and significant tests yet to be taken, but one thing our weekend trip showed Alison and me -
Ready or not...
The future is coming, and it's coming fast!
Glad you all enjoyed the experience! I know Ben will succeed at Georgia College.