Saturday, March 23, 2019

Hiding From Mueller: Saturday Political Soap Box 206

It's out.

And I admit.  I'm scared, and I'm anxious.

The first and most important thing to note is that this report was not to GET TRUMP, but to investigate Russian involvement in the 2016 election.  It was not Mueller's job to GET TRUMP.  He may have agreed with DOJ policy about not indicting a sitting President and leave that to others.

So, most likely, this report is a series of bread crumbs that lead to Trump but does not indict him.

That should be enough to devastate any administration.  But I'm afraid it won't be.

My Trumpeteer friends will interpret no indictment as a vindication of Trump, and to extend the illogic even further, will think ANY Democratic congressional investigation about ANYTHING is OVER THE TOP and UNWARRANTED.

Bull hockey!

Nevertheless, that's what will happen.

What we already know, even without the Mueller report, is devastating.  Trump called the Russians to reveal hacked emails.  There was a the meeting with the Russians in Trump tower in June 2016 to collude to dig up Hillary dirt.  There are decades of Russian mobsters using the Trump tower to launder money.  There are Russian loans to the Trump businesses. There was the Trump Tower Moscow deal being negotiated at the same time Trump was claiming he had no business, pending or otherwise, in Russia (he lied to you, Trumpeteers - HE LIED TO YOU).  His campaign manager handed the Russians tons of internal campaign data. There was obstruction of justice IN PLAIN SIGHT.  I could go on and on, but those who agree need no additional convincing, and those who don't can ignore a TOWER of evidence.

And that's just the Russian connection.  That does not get into his myriad of other crimes, with this most criminal of administrations.  Which is why the Democratic House has no choice but to continue to investigate, whether you like it or not, Trumpeteers.

Meanwhile, I am scared and afraid. Afraid that a shrouded and redacted Mueller Report will leave them arrogantly emboldened.  Once they think they have survived this, they will ramp up their authoritarianism and who knows who they'll come after next.  What is America like when fascism thrives, and democracy dies?  Maybe I should start to watch what I say and do.

So I have not watched the news since the Report was released.  I am in hiding, only peeking my head up slightly to smell the air.  I slept little last night.  Alison thinks I am crazy to be so worried.  It's one of those I cannot control.  Sorry, that's one of my many flaws.  I tend to worry more about stuff I can't control than stuff I can.

So, I hide.  Eventually, I'll have to come out and face it.  But not today.  Today is a day for family, Captain Marvel, dinner out, and watching a dear friend's plays.

I may not be the only one hiding, though.  There may be somebody in the White House who is hiding from the results of the Mueller Report and other investigations.  But whether he likes it or not, I hope someday that he does have to come out and face it, and all the flurry of lies and propaganda will not save him.

Today, though, I hide.  Maybe by Monday, I can face it.

Let me know how it goes.

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