Monday, May 13, 2019

Our Womb Episcopalian

Benjamin Strait.

Not just a cradle Episcopalian, but a womb Episcopalian.

One of the significant events that Episcopalians hold is Cursillo, an important spiritual gathering that many Episcopalians do at least once in their lives.  For Alison and me, it was the year that Alison was pregnant.  So, although he did not have much to say about it, he was at Cursillo about as early as you can be.  We always wondered why the church's spiritual songs are so ingrained in Benjamin - maybe that's one reason why.

Benjamin has been in one church all of his life - Grace Episcopal.  He has attended hundreds of Sunday Eucharists.  Ha was a mainstay of Sunday School.  He has attended Summer Camp at Honey Creek pretty much every summer since third grade.  He has been an altar boy, an usher, a lector, a waiter at Valentine's Day, helped clean the church, given to charity time and energy.  And he sings.  He sings a storm.  Everyone who hears him (and it's hard not to) compliments him on his voice.

Over 18 years in the same church.  That's a pretty good record.  Many adults around here can't say that, as frequently as many change churches.

But it's not really the attendance or the events or the singing that makes church such an extraordinary influence on Benjamin.  It is the living spirit of Christ he has seen in so many that are there. It is the love and care they have given him and that he has given back in return.  They have inflamed that spirit in him, and it now burns bright in him, and in how he treats others.

There have been so many in our church that have lit the path for Benjamin.  Some of them are no longer with us in body. That includes Gene Lynn, Steve Bean, David Rollinson, and Kathy Kontos - they may be physically gone, but there spirit and love loom large with Benjamin.  It includes those who used to go to our church but have moved on elsewhere, such as Father Dave and Madelyn Rimes.  And it includes many positive mentors that are in the parish now, including Dayton Lang, Joe Cornelius, Ken Taft, James Israel, Antia Lynn, Bunky Snider, Mike Taylor and most especially, Reverand Kit.  And many, many more - to list them all would make this blog post one of my longest.

Benjamin is graduating from high school.  His academic success is owed to his own ability, and to, how shall we say, gentle parental reminders.  His success as a kind, decent person, one filled with faith, politeness, and generosity, is something only partially attributable to his parents and extended family.  The role that Grace Episcopal played in developing and strengthening the character of this wonderful boy is immeasurable.

Come mid-August, Benjamin will be in Milledgeville to attend Georgia College & State University.  He will, for the first time, consider attending a church other than Grace Episcopal.  There is a lovely Episcopal church within walking distance from campus and an active Episcopal Youth Group.  I have a feeling once they hear him sing, they may not want to ever let him go.

I am sure, however, that Benjamin will be back to Grace on college breaks, every chance he gets.

I also know this.  The spirit and love of Grace will always be with him.  Those who have been such a positive influence on him will light his soul, and he will always strive to be the hands and feet of Christ.

God Bless You, Grace Episcopal, for everything you have done for our son.

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