Saturday, July 13, 2019

Huddled Masses: Saturday Political Soap Box 214

It's hard.

The political thoughts that most often swirl in my head center on -


What the hell are you thinking?

But I can't always write about that, as much as it occupies my mind, as much sleep I lose over the fact that I have friends who just don't seem to WAKE UP!


So let me attempt to take a look at an issue that might be solved, or at least improved, by a different approach.  So let's take a closer look at whatever problems we imagine to have centered around immigration.

There must be some solution that is a middle ground between wild west open borders versus the concentration camp horrors we are witnessing.

There is not one solution.  This should allow for a comprehensive bill/compromise that would contain elements that both parties can agree on (or agree to live with).  But it probably won't happen with a President who thrives on stoking the fears and racism of his base.

But what if we could do what was needed?

The following is not a researched or scholarly position.  Sorry -  my blog is designed for discussion and ideas, not for conclusive research.  Ain't no one gonna pay me to put in that kind of time.  I do think, however, that they are worth discussing and considering.

In no particular order, any comprehensive immigration position should contain the following elements -

1) $15 Minimum Wage

You can't even begin to discuss things while so many Americans are living on the edge of poverty.  If you work a full-time job, you should be able to support yourself.  Period.

There should not be lower wages set for some jobs (waitressing, crop picking, etc.).  There should be no guest worker programs.  You work, you get paid a living wage. Period.

So, if Americans still refuse certain jobs, even with an adequate, competitive wage, then those jobs need to go to someone who will take them.  If that means immigrants, documented or otherwise, then so be it.

2) Prosecution of Businesses

Stop going after the employee.  Start going after the employer.  And go after them for wage theft, not employee status.  If they are paying less than minimum wage, or paying under the table, or some other clever subterfuge - PROSECUTE THEIR POSTERIOR!

Instead of breaking up families and going after the law-abiding (other than documentation status), maybe ICE should be focused on enforcing labor standards.

3) Border Security

The focus on border security should be on illegal contraband and criminal activity.  It should not be on harassing and demonizing asylum seekers.

Focusing on a useless wall is stupid, and a mammoth waste of money and resources.  We need focus via ports, through the coast guard and border patrol increased inspection and law enforcement.  Drugs and human trafficking should be targeted.

4) Speed up the Asylum Process

Build the facilities you need.  Take care out of private hands.  Be open to constant oversight and inspection.  Don't tell me we can't afford toothpaste, toilet paper, and basic supplies - don't go there.

Most importantly, hire the lawyers and judges you need to accelerate the process so that the whole thing runs more quickly and smoothly.

And don't break up families.  I can't believe I even have to say this.

5) Start a Marshall Plan for Central America

The primary reason we did not have World War III was the incredible decision by the United States to refortify the economic stability of its World War II enemies, Germany and Japan.  It was named for Secretary of State George Marshall and was essential in building the world we know now, where, up until Trump, those two nations became two of our closest allies.

We need that level of support to restabilize Central America and take control from the tyrant and gangsters that now run roughshod over that region.  Unfortunately, the Trump administration has withdrawn rather than engage.  

This will have to be done to secure democracy and openness, and not just selling parts of the countries off to multinational corporations.  I know.  A lot to ask from America, but it has to happen if we ever want to stem the tide of Central American asylum seekers.

6) Stop pretending climate change doesn't exist and start doing something about it.

We've passed the time to do something about this problem.  We are now, tragically, in a mitigation stage, and not a complete reversal stage. Sad, but true.

What has this got to do with immigration?  Everything.

As the climate continues to destabilize, vast swaths of this planet will become unlivable.  If they want to survive, they will have to move.  And climate refugees will dwarf whatever problem we think we are faced with now.


I realize, that for Trumpeteers, the major problem is not jobs (hard to argue that in the face of historically low unemployment rates).  It's culture.  It's the fear that their culture, whatever they think it is ('MURICA!!!), will be lost.

Sorry, dudes.  Can't stop that.  Culture changes and shifts all the time.  Many of them are nostalgic for a time that never really existed.

I can't help with that.  I don't know how to address that level of bigotry and hate.

So, are there solutions to the "immigration crisis"?

Yes.  Yes, there are.

Will we adopt them in the Age of Trump & Satan's Handmaiden Fox News?

No.  No, we won't.

Sorry.  It's a dark time.  Hard to stay optimistic.

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