Monday, July 1, 2019

Patriotic Monday Musings


It's the Fourth of July .... week!  This one is going to stagger a bit.  Not everyone is celebrating on Thursday.

On our way home from our vacation, we passed a town that looked like it was gearing up for fireworks last Friday night!

When I took the dogs out last night, I heard them stressed and barking.  Sure enough, somebody in the neighborhood was launching amateur fireworks.  Fortunately for us, our four dogs don't get too intense about fireworks, but I feel sorry for those who have pets that do.

And it's especially bad for those with bad reactions, as it looks like there may be sporadic fireworks ALL WEEK LONG!

I am not a big fan of fireworks.  I don't hate them.  I just don't find them that interesting.  Not much of a plotline.

When we were in Niagra Falls at the beginning of our vacation, they were going to have fireworks by the Falls that night.  we tried to stay awhile for them, but when it got to 9, we decided to go back to the motel room.  From our room, at around 10 PM, we could see some of the fireworks, but I quickly lost interest.  Sorry.


Canada has its own national celebration, Canada Day, today.  When we were returning to the states, we had to wait longer at the border, because apparently, a good number of Canadians like to celebrate their long national weekend by coming into the United States.


To me, the Fourth is a celebration of the beginning s of the formation of the USA, and the journey towards greater civil rights and democracy that is its goal.  The military is an important part of that, but not to upset some, it is only part.  Many individual citizens, including unionists, suffragists, and abolitionists, are all a part of the struggle to push this nation towards achieving its ideal.


There are vacation blog posts coming!  I have to consolidate our pictures, from myself, Alison and Benjamin, and then I have to organize and theme the stories.


Alsion and Benjamin have the week off.  I have to work at least some in the early part of this week.  In fact, I should be wrapping up to get to work for a little while.  Sigh.  How did I, a semi-retired person, get a shorter vacation than my spouse who works full-time?  Oh, well. 


Being in Canada, land of universal health care, Trump made me want to stay there.  Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris inspired me to come back home.


Anyhoo, better wrap this up and get those work hours started and done!

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