Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Tidbitting the Tuesday

Just starting out with a Canadian sunset.


Why not?


I am looking forward to the holidays.  I am spending time trying to clear my work schedule so I can spend more time at home with my family.  Benjamin will be coming home on Tuesday evening and will be spending about five days with us.


Work is not cooperating as the information I need to complete assignments is coming in very slowly. I would like it to be faster, but sometimes the horse don't drink.  So I need to be patient.


Sports have faded again, as soccer season is over, and most of the football teams I follow continue to disappoint.  Michigan Wolverines are not having the worst season ever, but neither will they be going to the national championship playoff.

Nevertheless....fifty years ago, in 1969, Ohio State was demolishing everybody by wide margins.  Sports Illustrated ran a story implying they were the best college football team of the century!

Then, at the end of the regular season, the Michigan Wolverines, led by coach Bo Schembechler, unexpectedly upended the Woody Hayes led Ohio State Buckeyes in one of the greatest upsets in sports history.

On this fifty-year anniversary, that would be a nice thing to revisit.


Trump's Walter Reed visit on Saturday?

Who knows?

Many of the "routine" things that could be done could easily be done at the White House.  As of writing this, he has strangely disappeared from public view.

Who knows?

You only know that he and his team have no credibility and can't be believed.

So who knows?

All I know is that exaggerations of the health of Hillary Clinton were rampant in the Fall of 2016, promulgated by Russian hackers and bots and gleefully promoted by the Trump people.

I'll never forget a co-worker showing me a doctored video of Hillary head's shaking as if she had epilepsy, thinking he had caught the Zapruder film, convinced that she was mentally damaged.  Nothing could persuade him otherwise.  The Russians had him - hook, line, and sinker.

Will he notice what's going on with Trump's health right now?  Won't raise his curiosity one iota.


Pictures of people in community theater are a-bounding on my facebook feed.  Something about a challenge to show 10 theater pictures in 10 days, then you have to challenge another theatre person to do the same.   I show theatre pictures all the time.  I would have no trouble doing that.  I would not challenge others.  I really don't like to do anything that even remotely smacks of chain mail.


Does anyone understand this meme?  I don't mean the words at the top.  That's something about the pronunciation of a town here in Southeast Georgia.  I'm not smart enough to edit that part out.  I mean the two pictures.  I mean, what's up with that?  How is this so popular? Separately or in conjunction with each other, they make no sense to me.

Social media is a weird and strange place.

If I were brighter, I would create this -

Woman:  You!  Social media person!  Why are you doing this?  How does this make any sense?

Cat:  How would I know?  I'm a cat inexplicably in front of a salad.  Does anything make any sense?

Anyways, something else will come up next week, probably even weirder.

Ta Ta to Tidbits for now!

T. M. Strait

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