Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Hanging In There Tuesday Tidbits

I'm trying.

Work is coming fast and furious.  I really need to finish this up and get on with it.

You can forget all those wonderful writing projects.  Plans and dreams must be put on hold.

I look back at past tax seasons, and I'm amazed at what I've done.  Musicals, blogging, writing chapters, going to events and meetings.

Now I feel lucky to get out of bed and focus enough to go to work.

The knee pain is not as bad as it was.  It has not gone away, it's just not as intense.  It's extended down the leg and now includes the foot.  Some over-the-counter pain relievers are helping a little, but they also cloud my mind. 

My major goal of being able to leave accounting behind me lies in ruins.  I volunteered to be our Church Treasurer, and it's much more than I imagined.  It is adding quite a bit to the time I spend each week in the accounting field.


Wow!  They were right! Advertising works!  You can win over people to the crappiest products if you make it sound sweet enough.  Let me make this as straightforward as I can -

Bloomberg is not a solution to the problem.  He is a symptom of the problem - that wealthy oligarchs can buy their way into power.


I probably should have more topics, don't you think?

Parts of my lawn are starting to grow again.  I have no idea what I'm going to do about that.


Sorry.  Accidentally took a nap.

I really gotta go.

I miss routine.

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