Saturday, April 25, 2020

Let Them Drink Bleach: Saturday Political Soap Box 244

No, President Donald J Trump was not joking.  He was not sarcastic.  He really meant it.  No one who watched that political rally (I'm sorry - I mean press conference, of course)` could get any other impression.

He floated the idea of injecting yourself with disinfectant to "eliminate" the coronavirus in your body.  He also suggested shooting heat and light inside yourself for a cure.

He had heard an undersecretary of DHS talk about how bleach/disinfectant can kill coronavirus on surfaces such as kitchen countertops.  In his fragile brain, Trump immediately made the leap to injection - if it works on countertops, why not inside your body?

He is that stupid.  He is that ignorant.  He is that dangerous.

He is a snake oil salesman who will do anything to distract you from his incompetent handling of this crisis.  His originally promoted snake oil cure, hydroxychloroquine, either by itself or in some sort of drug cocktail mix, has so far proven to be ineffective, and possibly downright harmful. Thus,  his illogic leaped at an opening, and he took it.

The consequence of this lunacy is that White officials are trying to restrain Trump from coming to the pass conferences, or at least not taking questions.

It would be nice to have some informative press conferences led by genuine medical experts (like Dr. Fauci)  without Trump turning it into a clown show.

I think he might stay restrained for a while, especially since polling indicates his press conference behavior is starting to hurt him.  But I doubt if he'll stay away forever.  Things get under his skin, and he just has to do something about it. He just has to, whether it hurts him or not.


As I write this, the USA has four times as many coronavirus cases as the next closest country (Spain) and over twice the number of deaths as the next closest country (Italy).

Maybe we need some press conferences where we just let the medical experts tell us what we can best do to get us out of this crisis.

Maybe it should be led by a rotating series of Governors, including Governor Newsome of California, Governor Whitmer of Michigan, and Governor Cuomo of New York.

I would leave off Gevoernor Kemp of Georgia, though.  He's got his own lunatic problems.

But, there again, Kemp is at least not recommending consuming bleach, Lysol, or Tide pods.

There's at least that.



  1. I truly have no words to describe all this. I want to scream to his staff to just tell him to SIT DOWN and Shut UP! (not in those nice words) Yes, he is dangerous! May God Help us. Stay safe and prayers for all.

  2. He APPARENTLY is going to back away from the press conferences. Unfortunately, that will probably only last for a few days.
