Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas in the Time of COVID: #3


On Christmas Eve, I want to take this opportunity to thank all those frontline workers who are doing so much to help us through this pandemic.

Thank you to all the healthcare workers that are doing so much to help us in these times, when we get sick with COVID or anything else.  They are working long hours and are often the only human contact many of our beloved family members see when in ICU or other parts of the hospital.

Thank you to the police and firefighters who continue to protect us.

Thank you for the delivery people, whether it be Christmas packages or fast food, needed medicines or a letter from a loved one. They are keeping us connected during these dark times.  

Thank you to the retail clerks that keep our stores open so that we get food and vital supplies.

Thank you to all those in industry, keeping important products coming, including food processing, PPE supplies, hardware supplies, and so much more.

Thank you to those who are assisting with charities to provide relief for the increased number of Americans living with food and/or shelter insecurities.  

We owe all of these people a great debt of gratitude, but we can repay them with more than that.  We can -

Wear our masks.

Socially distant.

Frequently wash our hands.

Reduce unnecessary travel, including Christmas travel to family and friends.

I know that last one is hard, but hospitals have reached or exceeded capacity in many areas of the country.  The more stress on our medical system, the less we are able to take care of everybody. And that increases the number of people who will die.

It is exciting news that vaccines are here.  But it will take several months for those to really improve things.  Meanwhile, we must do our best to protect each other, particularly those who have done so much to help us.

Merry Christmas, y'all.

Let it be a time of love and joy and caring for one another.

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