Saturday, March 6, 2021

President Joe Manchin! Saturday Political Soap Box 269

All hail the new President of the United States!

Given the fragile 50 seats plus tie-breaker Vice President Harris Senate majority, the Democratic Party is only as strong as its most conservative Democrat.

And the winner of that contest, hands down, is Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia.

Sure, there are other grumblers and mutterers.  Senator Kyrsten Sinema can be an extra special treat, defiantly giving a big thumbs down to signify her vote against the $15 minimum wage.

But, in the end, it's all about the Joe.  And not the Joe we elected as President of the United States.

But, Tom, you say Joe Manchin may be a Democrat, but he comes from a very red state, voting both times overwhelmingly for Captain Bone Spurs.  Of course he behaves like a DINO.  He needs to represent the interests of his state.

Really?  You think that's what's going on? I daresay that if the $15 minimum wage was put on the ballot in West Virginia, it would pass with flying colors, as ballot measures increasing the minimum wage have been approved in red and blue states alike.  And the COVID-19 relief bill as a whole is extremely popular among all voting groups, including Republicans.

If this was about gun control or climate change efforts that moved us further away from coal, I would still disagree with Manchin, but at least it would make some sense based on his constituency.  This, however, makes no sense.

I can't fully explain everything Manchin does.  I don't know if he's a deficit hawk about everything or just when it comes to things that help the average working person.  I don't know why he seems to have a double standard for cabinet nominees, having voted for many of the nastier Trump nominees, and now becomes squeamish on strong Biden nominees, particularly, I'm afraid to say when it comes to women. I don't know enough about him to know if he just likes being the center of attention.

I have read that Chuch Schumer may not be tough enough on Joe Manchin, that perhaps Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota could corral him better. I don't know.  I'm not sure it would help.  It's just the way things are drawn right now.

Even if we didn't have the filibuster, we might not get the legislation we need if President Manchin "vetos" it.  Interesting, but we may never know.  Why?  Because the filibuster can't be eliminated without President Manchin's support.

From recent news reports:

 "Asked by the Hill’s Jordain Carney whether there is any scenario in which he might “change his mind” about the filibuster, Manchin replied, “Never! Jesus Christ! What don’t you understand about never?”"

President Joe Manchin.

This is why it's going to be so tough for us to have nice things.

1 comment:

  1. Agree! Like a playground full of happy kids, and you have that one, you wished would go home and not come back!
