Saturday, March 20, 2021

The Miracle at the 33rd Parellel : Saturday Political Soap Box 271


It's a miracle!

A true BLUE spectacle!

A miracle come true!*

A miracle based on the hard work of Stacey Abrams and associated groups that worked their tail off for multiple years to make it happen.  A miracle that Republican officials stuck to the truth and would not be bullied by the great orange narcissist. 

And look at what was achieved!

Trump is in Mar-A-Lago, rummaging the buffet lines.  Mitch McConnell has been reduced to a noisy impotent hen.

And for the first time in YEARS, a major piece of legislation has passed that has its benefits directed to the working people of the United States, with nothing special going to major corporations and the very wealthy.

I about wept with joy hearing Senator Raphael Warnock's first Senate speech, eloquently defending voter's rights.  That's MY Senator!  From MY state!  Best political moment ever since I moved to this state in 1978.

I am uncomfortably aware, though, that the miracle was narrow and not uniform.  My home county voted 87% for one of the vilest human beings on the planet.

And we are in the process of relearning the most frightening American lesson -


The Georgia State legislature is drafting the most draconian, restrictive voting suppression measures since Jim Crow.  It may even become a crime to give someone standing in a long voting line water.  How low can you go?  How unchristian can you get?

And yet another harsh lesson -


Sadly, the narrow blue (federal - on a state level Republicans still dominate) victory did not end racism.  Sadly, it may have intensified it.

The deadly killing spree aimed at the Asian-American community in the Atlanta area brought into terrible focus that the forces of intolerance still thrive in this state.  What the killer did was a crime against Asian Americans AND women.  

And to have a police official say the killer just "had a bad day?"

Astounding.  Just astounding.

Nevertheless, I am happy that Georgia is at least starting down the right path.  

I am aware of how difficult that path is, and how many will try to knock us off it, and even push us back.

The fight for social justice, the struggle for economic equality and security, the reversal of deadly global warming, it will not be easy. Still, it is the only fight worth having now.

Thank you, Georgia, for your blessed miracle.

We are at least are finally on the right path!

*yep.  I stole those lines from Barry Manilow. Please don't sue me, Barry.  I am a big fan. 😁

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