Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Tuesday Twitter Questions #3

 It's time for the third installment of my newest semi-irregular blog thread!  Wherin, I try to answer the first five Twitter questions I run across on my Twitter feed. Why don't I just answer them on Twitter?  Because on Twitter, no one can see my tweet.  Not that answering them here is much better.  Because on here - no one can see my blog.

What are some movies you can watch over and over again and never get sick of?

Darn few.  I'm not much of a repeat viewer.  Specifically, Blazing Saddles.  I love that movie, and I don't seem to tire of it.  Generally, Mel Brooks movies, and any of the movies directed by John Carpenter (Halloween, Escape From New York, They Live, etc.).

Do men really like the way a woman smells?  Like their hair and stuff?

Uhh, I guess.  Mostly, I like the absence of bad smells as much as I do good smells. Perfumes don't help much.  They are either neutral to me or overpowering.

Are you happy?  If not, what would bring you happiness?

One of them pizza places that let you assemble your own pizza, like Subway style.  And being able to earn enough money doing the things I love that I can close out my accounting career.

Why is white supremacy allowed to fester?

Because many white people fear that they will be treated like they treated minorities if they are ever outnumbered. And many are slow to recognize that there even is a problem.

No more negativity for today.  Tell me about the awesome stuff you are working on.

Well.  I'm trying to re-energize my blog.  There has been no bump-up in traffic, but at least I'm writing again. I have a completed novel, The Extra Credit Club, that I'm not trying to find a publisher or publish on my own - I'm just sitting on it because I'm so terrified of the next step. For the rest of my writing efforts, I intend to relaunch after May 17th.

Well, that's it for now.

Thanks for stopping by!

T. M. Strait

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