Monday, January 31, 2022

January Leaving

 January is leaving.

I swears it just got here.  How could it be leaving already?

Church is already talking about Lenten schedules.  Didn't we just finish advent?

I wasn't sure what would happen once I became unmoored from the constant deadlines of my former career.  They came one after another, hurtling me through the calendar.

The first two months of full retirement were during the lightest season of the CPA firm.  I didn't feel really retired yet.  I thought January would hit, and I would feel the change of schedule, thinking back to what I was doing for the last three decades.  

But I really haven't thought about it much.  I'm enjoying my retirement way too much.

Most days are pretty relaxing- doing what I want to do.  I have worked a lot on my comic book project.  Each day is enjoyable, and I find my own rhythms and challenges.

But my consciousness of the calendar is dim.  Without the deadlines, I take each day one at a time and then only look up once in a while, see the calendar, and go, "Holey Moley!  How did we get to that day?"

Time passes quickly.  But I still am taking the time to smell the roses.  Well, not the roses.  More often, it's freshly cooked soups, turkey burgers, the odors of a kitty litter box.  Ok, that last one is not too nice.

I still look forward to events in the future.  Benjamin has only three semesters to go before graduating from college.  Alison and I are planning trips.  And I have a special reason to look forward to April, which I will explain more about later.

February is almost here.  The Winter Olympics (love curling!), Valentine's Day, the return of Last Week with John Oliver, the beginnings of a new MLS season with Atlanta, and then before you know it - it's March and Lent!

Happy Days Everyone!

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