Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Wednesday Wishes


Sorry for my prolonged absence. I guess it's just the way it's going to be. My routine varies more than I expected.

Alison didn't work last week - the school system she worked for had their Spring Break. It was good just to spend time with her - readin' and chillin'.

I wish I could develop a better routine. There are too many things I want to do. I would like to get back to writing the second volume of History of the Trap. I want to promote the writings I already have, including a novel I have finished but have not tried to find an agent for. I would like to return to daily drawing lessons - I don't expect to be any good; it's just something I've always wanted to do. I want to see more old movies. I want to read more.

I wish I could do more for others. I am devoting more time to church, both in attendance and as Treasurer. We have Holy Week this week. I attended a mass yesterday and will be attending services for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday. I want to use my superpower more - reading aloud. I will be reading at Ware County library for Children's Hour on June 14th. I would love to do more. I am doing a much greater share of the housework than I did while working.

At first, I was happy with how much money we had coming in. It was more than adequate to meet our needs. But now I have a granddaughter in New York, and I just wish I had more money to travel and even rent places and such. My oldest son, Greg, is in Los Angeles, and my youngest son, Benjamin, has a year left in college and then will wind up who knows where - most likely very far from us. I don't desire to be super-rich, but I would like to have enough to see everybody.

I wish I could finally focus enough to lose weight and exercise more - the goal being to help with high blood pressure and lower blood glucose (I am prediabetic). This week, I've reinstituted my chart for the food I eat and tracking weight, blood pressure, and blood glucose. If I'm going to be alright, I will have to keep it up.

I wish the country and world would get their act together and finally do everything possible to prioritize combatting global warming. I want my granddaughter to have a livable planet to grow up on.

I wish people (particularly those who live around me) would stop supporting authoritarian fascists like Trump and DeSantis and return to the principled conservative opposition we once had in this country.

I wish these same people would stop demonizing and persecuting the LGBTQ+ community. I am so sick of progress of this country being held up by phony culture war issues I could chuck a tuna bunwich.

I wish the Russian people would end the Putin regime, withdraw from Ukraine, and restore some semblance of democracy.

I wish income equality were to be addressed.

I know that the midterms will be dominated by inflation. And if you think voting for a Republican is somehow going to help. I wish you would explain to me why. What in the world do you think they will do?

I wish Firefly would come back.

Well, that's enough wishing for now.

Except for I wish you all well and...

Blog y'all soon!


  1. Love your post! All good things to wish for. I Chuckled over the Firefly wish. Loved that show! Keep writing. Have a blessed Easter.

  2. You too! It's a busy but spiritually satisfying week for Episcopalians with so many beautiful services!
