Sunday, May 24, 2009

Chattin' with Saxby!

I ran across this thing on the Internet, I think from the Michael Moore site, to send a note of encouragement to your Congressman and Senators to pass H.R. 676, the single-payer health care bill sponsored by Dennis Kuchinich and John Conyers (among many others). Now my Congressman is Jack Kingston and my two Senators Are Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Issacson. These are very far right gentleman, so it seemed like a bit of a waste time. But I decided, what the heck! It's not like I'm using my spare time to broker Mideast peace!

I wrote them all the following:

"As a concerned citizen, as a caring Christian, as a practical CPA, I urge you to pass H.R. 676. It has the advantages of being both morally correct and fiscally sound. When this nation was formed, we weren't afraid of revolutionary changes, we certainly shouldn't shy away now! Ideological purity is almost criminal when people's lives are at stake, when record numbers are driven to bankruptcy by health care costs, when entrepreneurship is dying because the risk can no longer be borne. Please set aside your talking points, ponder what is best, and pass H.R. 676!"

I was trying to use their own language to at least get them to listen. or at least clue them in that they weren't the only ones who could bring in Christians, founding fathers, and entrepreneurial capitalism.

The only one to respond so far has been Saxby Chambliss. Yes, he of the "Max Cleland, the Vietnam hero/disabled vet should be tied to Osama Bin Laden and I, Saxby Chambliss, the draft-dodging weasel, am the real guy to protect you." Well, it was a form response. Something about co-sponsoring S. 1019, the Universal Health Care Choice and Access Act, whose only real purpose seemed to be to propose tax rebates to go towards insurance payments. Yeah, that's a real help. I am so tired of tax gimmicks as solutions, regardless of whose side they come from. When you make the tax code more complex and goofy, the only person you benefit is me - the CPA.

So I wrote back the following:

"Considering the problems we face in regard to health care, I'm afraid any solution that simply messes with the tax code is useless and idiotic. I urge you to support real solutions, as such is H.R. 676."

I will keep you all updated as their responses continue to pour in!


  1. Hey! This is a great post! Who wrote it? Oh, I did.

    I jusu got tired of seeing zero comments.

  2. I just get annoyed by the fact that they are calling it the Universal Health Care Choise, as if there is a choice for universal health care with there plan. All to confuse the masses. Like Bush's Clear Sky iniative, which actually worsened our skies but at least sounded good.

  3. The Republicans are specialists in Orwellian language.

    Also I think my pal Saxby has cut me off!

  4. Well.........At least you took the time to write! We are supposed to contact our Congressmen and Senators and tell them what we want and what we think. Now I'm wondering......Do they ever READ the letters written by their constituants? I'm thinking, not so much. If they are reading, why aren't they listening?? ;-D
