Thursday, August 19, 2010

Now the Islamic Community Center is a Symbol

The political silly season is upon us!

Thanks, Republicans, for restoring what is an August tradition...insanely stupid tangents that play into the cultural fear spots.

We got yer anchor babies right chere! Our strict constitutional constructionists have discovered the need to advocate the repeal of the 14th amendment.

We got yer Ground Zero Mosques right cheer! Forget that it's an Islamic Community Center two blocks from Ground Zero, or that it's a neighborhood with a large Muslim population. It's an affront to all Americans everywhere because...okay, that's where I lose it. WE'RE NOT AT WAR WITH THE MUSLIM RELIGION. Let me repeat that. WE'RE NOT AT WAR WITH THE MUSLIM RELIGION.

To equate this center with putting up a Nazi sign near the Holocaust museum is not just a bad analogy. It shows a wanton misunderstanding of what happened on 9/11. You're equating the second largest religious faith on the planet with Hitler-centric fascism of the Nazis. Is that really what you want to say. A more apt comparison would be if they wanted to put a monument honoring the political movement Al Quada on the site of Ground Zero. Al Quada is a political movement that uses religion to justify itself. This should not be an unfamiliar scenario to those who from the land where Timothy McVeigh and Eric Rudolph warped the Christian faith to fit their needs.

The very core of what being an American is about is now tied into this debate. De we stand for freedom of religion or not? Do we consider all Muslims terrorists or not? Is the site of Ground Zero going to stand for the unity of all peoples of all faiths against the forces of hate and fundamentalism? "Or do we descend into the madness of the silly season?

We have no choice now. We must make the statement of support for American values. We must support the Islamic Center or risk exposure of the dark underbelly of the American culture. The instincts of tolerance and freedom must triumph over the cold hatred bred from intolerance and fear of the OTHER.


  1. Rudy today said it was a question of sensitivity. Just imagine if you will.. the GOP is now the party of sensitivity. I thought they were the party of freedom and states rights. All part of the larger campaign. Obama is muslim. This is the meme. I support freedom of religion and sometimes I think of it as freedom from religion. I support intelligent thought and conversation. I do not support this reactionary crap I see everyday from these right wing "leaders". And please media get a crew up to Alaska I think Sarah Palin may be about to sneeze. Apparently she won the last election and is now the most powerful person in the world. Thanks for letting me rant. I enjoy your blog. Chris Jeffords

  2. Sarah Palin's little twitters are setting the English language back centuries. Thanks so much for your comment. I appreciate all the input I can get.
    Religion can be very dicey, but I have enjoyed being a Christian Progressive. I am finishing a very good book called The Future of Faith. When I finish, i would be glad to let you borrow it. I think you find it very insightful.
    T.M. Strait
