Friday, April 15, 2011

Kvetching Big Time

Let's be honest. I got little to complain about. I have a beautiful wife and children, a solid middle class lifestyle, money stresses mostly a thing of the past. I don't really have close friends, but I do have a wonderful family and many positive acquaintances. And my health is pretty good.

So I hate to kvetch, but here it goes. I had some thoughts of transitioning back into some teaching. The grind of public accounting was getting to me. I was hoping to do something where I felt like I was contributing a little more back, and maybe have a smidgen more time for myself and my family. Those hopes were recently dashed. And now I have to go back to the drawing board.

If I can't teach, what else can I do? Something has to give more meaning than what I'm doing at my regular work. Perhaps something connected to charity, although that often takes a different type of personality than I possess, although I'm not ruling it out. I'm a very good actor, but somehow that often leaves me wondering what the point of it was. I could teach part time, but given state budgets, even that would be difficult. And, frankly, I may be too frakkin' lazy to do full-time plus as a CPA and ALSO do teaching on the side.

One thing I do enjoy is writing. It might be like acting, in that it's something I enjoy but not something I will get paid for doing. But that's okay. I would want to be read. but I have an okay job as far as making money, so we won't starve. The problem is having the discipline to carve out the time. But, hopefully, the withering nature of tax season, and the recent closing of doors I thought would be open, will give me the motivation to write more, and to get better at it.

Thanks you proud few for listening to me kvetch. And if there is anything you are interested to have me write about, please let me know. I could use the practice!


  1. No, don't need you to write for me, I can complain in writing perfectly well all by myself. I find myself in the same predicament, always looking for meaning and fulfillment--it comes and it goes. My job does allow me occasionally to do good, but mostly I'm tied up with financial matters with my patients although I'm a Social Worker. Theater has helped, until that gets bogged down with pettiness. Fortunately Flying Dragon seems above that. Politics? Another disappointment. Writing? Like you, I have to work up the enthusiasm. Have you ever tried writing a play? That's my newest effort, might work harder on that. You are a gifted writer and thinker--so go for it! (I also recommend living vicariously through your children).

  2. Thank you! I do feel better this morning! I do have an idea for a children's play that I think would be pretty good - I just have to kick start myself into having the discipline to get it out of my head and onto paper.

  3. Julie (I don't know why it has () by my name)April 17, 2011 at 5:18 PM

    I would love to help you write your play. Not that you need help, you don't. But, I like kids, I used to be one, and I like the way they think. You know, a second, wild imagination, is what I'm offering. See ya tomorrow!

  4. Writing a show would be fun! Don't give up on teaching! One setback does not mean that all hope is lost!
