Wednesday, July 21, 2021



I make no apologies for it.

It's true.  I am an independent progressive.  I believe that we as a people, and our government as our agents (ideally, WE THE PEOPLE are the government), should be doing everything we can to alleviate poverty, end discrimination, and ensure equal opportunity.  I believe in Medicare For All, the Green New Deal, and a living minimum wage.

But I also believe, with all my heart and soul, in the importance of space exploration.  I want a station on the Moon.  I want us to go to Mars.  I want us to find out about Europa and Titan and any planet or moon where life may exist.  I love the space program.

So, when I hear my fellow liberals whine about how much the space program costs and how they think we should spend that money improving things here on Earth, it makes me a little verklempt. Of course, sometimes conservatives will make their own arguments against it, using the same logic, but maybe different programs should be supported (or just keep the money for themselves).

What a croc.

It's not either/or.  The space program has never been all that expensive, given the federal budget as a whole.  At its very height, during the space race of the 60s, NASA's budget was 4.41% of the Federal Budget.  More current numbers show it at 1/2 of 1%.*  If NASA's budget was zero, it wouldn't really solve a damn thing.  So, 1) it ain't enough to reallocate to make a dent, and 2) you really think Republicans and corporate Democrats are going to see it as a savings and spend it on helping people?  They are more likely to spend it on the Pentagon or reduce the federal budget.

Also, the benefits from the space program have been huge.  A simple google search displays articles that talk about dozens of inventions and technologies we have due to the space program.  Advances in computer technology alone justify its cost.  They even include things like memory foam, invisible braces for teeth, and tap water filters.  The list goes on and on.  Check these out for yourself.

I love the alternate history series, For All Mankind (color editing done by my son, Greg), and its depiction of a faster space race, spurred on by the Russians being first to land on the moon. Another fascinating variation on history is that the Russians were the first to have a woman walk on the Moon, spurring Americans to do the same, and the subsequent equality in the astronaut core accelerating greater equality in the US. It took us a little longer, but in the 80s and 90s, we broadened out to include the full range of Americans.

So, yeah, I am an unapologetic supporter of the space program.

That does not mean I am a supporter of Trump's idiotic Space Force,  which is just a ham-handed militarization of space, WHICH WE DO NOT NEED.

And that brings us to...


I've read science fiction all my life (okay, from about 6 years old), and I am aware of the heavy influence that libertarian philosophy has on many major writers, particularly in the 40s and 50s. For example, there are many science fiction stories where the super-rich millionaire/billionaire would take the reins of the space program and do it themselves because...GOVERNMENT SUCKED.

What a croc.

How in the world can the space program be better if it is done for the betterment of one, instead of in the interests of all?  How is it better if the profit from all the innovations and advancements is concentrated in the hands of the mega-wealthy?

Yes.  I understand.  Many investments started out dominated by the wealthy.  Airplanes were toys of the rich until someone figured out how much money could be made with passenger travel.  Of course, any major innovation is often facilitated with government support and money.  No billionaire ever did it by himself.  Government builds them spaceports and other support.

And then there are the huge tax breaks billionaires receive for this and other reasons.

Do I want billionaires in space?  I would rather it be we the people.

There is a chance that space tourist travel will be popular and affordable, based on the groundwork being laid by Branson, Bezos, and Musk. However, it is even more possible that they will use this as a means to become wealthier - hell, maybe even trillionaires.

If they want to play at this, fine.  But first - 




Most importantly, let's get our WE THE PEOPLE space program back on track.  Let's get a station on the moon.  Let's have manned missions to Mars.  Let's land something on Europa that can take pictures, sample soil, bring back information.  

Let's boldly go where no man has gone before!

* budget numbers are from federal budget numbers accumulated by Datablog.

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