Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Return to the Writing Life


I am ready to resume the writing life. As you can see from the picture above, my support staff is preparing to assist me*.

I have had great struggles getting a routine that would help me write. I need to have a designated time every day when I set everything else aside and I can write.

I'm not going to give a litany of excuses. The only one I give, which is only a partial explanation, is that we spent two weeks in the Catskills getting to know my one and only grandchild.

I can't show pictures of her, but trust me, she is a beautiful and amazing child. We spent several hours caring for her every day. At first, she was somewhat wary of us, but we were all best pals after a few days. I will do everything I can to adjust our schedules so we can see as much as possible.

My biggest obstacles to a morning writing routine are my habit of scheduling appointments and church work in the mornings, my preferred writing time. I am making efforts to shift those events to the afternoon.

One thing I cannot shift is the lawn. I have to mow that every two weeks or so. I use an electric push mower, so it takes some time. The battery lasts about an hour, which is also about my limit. I must do it as early as possible because our weather is too damn hot to do otherwise.

Anyway, I must mow tomorrow and Friday, weather permitting. I plan to use the rest of the morning to organize my writing work area and refresh myself with the story I am determined to finish - the second volume of History of the Trap. I also need to figure out what I will do with my finished book, The Extra Credit Club. One of the considerations for this and other projects is the Amazon site Kindle Vella, which allows people to buy your story part by part.

It won't mean posting a lot to The Strait Line. I'm sorry, but I need to concentrate on projects that will bring me a small amount of money. And I was banned from paid advertising on my blog a decade ago.

But I will do my best to keep you informed of my progress. So expect more short fiction and book promotions/updates.

Wish me luck, my faithful few! Love you all!

T. M. Strait

*this picture was taken just before we left for our two-week trip, hence the puppy pads surrounding the table.Yeah. They really weren't gathered to help me write.  Just in case you were wondering.

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