Someone was upset by the fact that some people were saying that this is the gay church.
I'm not quite sure what the point was. I don't think they liked the church being identified that way. I was less sure what they wanted to do about it. I believe there was concern that maybe gay people were having too large a voice or influence in the church? We didn't need to stand out so much, but we needed to blend in with the general culture more.
I can only guess.
Statistically speaking, we are well represented by the LGBTQ+ community. They may be about 20% or so of our parish. I'm guessing. I don't know because I don't keep track of things that way. In the general population, they're about 10%. That means our parish is above average but not stratospheric.
The fact is that we are virtually the only church that fully includes the LGBTQ+ community. In this intolerant area, if you want to be a loving and loved Christian, our church is virtually the only place available.
Well, you know what?
This is the LGBTQ+ church. Love and acceptance are complete and unconditional. They attend. They serve. They can be bishops, priests, and deacons. They can be Senior Warden, vestry members, lay episcopal members, readers, choir members, chief cook and bottle washer. I can't begin to imagine what our parish would be like without them. The intense shine of their devotion to Christ and the fruits of their gifts and talents are truly a wonder to behold.
But it doesn't stop there.
This is the women's church. We've had a female rector, vestry members, including the Senior Warden, and leaders of many wonderful church projects. They are fully equal to their male counterparts. And our church is so much richer for it.
This is the church of the homeless and poor. We extend the hands and feet of Christ through our food ministries and other aid. We extend our support without preconditions or proselytizing. We don't do it to create new church members. We do it because that is what Christ commissioned us to do - to extend love and support to our neighbor, to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth.
This is the church of ALL ethnic and racial groups. We are lit up by love, understanding, and empathy, not by hatred, fear, and othering.
This is NOT the MAGA church, worshipping at the feet of the false idol, the orange conman. This is not the Democratic Socialist church, waiting hopefully for AOC or someone very much like her to become President. Nor is it the church of libertarians, conservatives, and liberals. We have a wide variety of political opinions. The only thing that needs to be in common is that the love of neighbor and bettering the life of all must be paramount - and that goal may have different political positions, but all work toward the same end.
First and foremost, this is a church of LOVE. Love for God, love for each other. We are the hands and feet of Christ, bettering the world for all.