Friday, October 25, 2019

A Plea From the Future: Flash Fiction

There may be a better time coming.

I swear.

It may not seem like it right now.

But you have to have faith.

The pathways to the future are multitudinous.  There are so many wrong choices you can make.

We could descend into an irreversible path towards authoritarian fascism, or we could turn towards greater planet-wide cooperation.

I have traveled back in time to warn you - you are at a divergent point, and if you don't choose carefully, everything could fall apart.

But it doesn't have to.

You could continue to build walls, dividing humanity and setting it against each other.  Or we could band together and fight for a better world, a world of democracy and greening, where climate change is checked, and we build an economy that leaves no one behind.

The choice is yours.

In one future, democracy is lost and large swaths of the planet are unlivable,  We are constantly in resource wars.  We circle the wagons and make it about ourselves and our survival.

In another future, democracy flourishes, and humanity is greater than the nation-state.  Cooperation leads to the world envisioned in Start Trek - united, we explore the universe.

What is needed?  A small change.  The polling on the removal of Trump needs to be 60% instead of 55%.  Republican support for the President needs to be 75% instead of 85%.  That's it.  That's all it takes.  A few more of the Trumpeteers wake up and smell the horror of the course they are on.

Can you help me do that?

Which future am I from?

I'd rather not say.

I'm hoping your choices will make that clear.

Everything depends upon it.

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