Saturday, November 14, 2020

Living the Blue Life: Saturday Political Soap Box #260


O glorious day!

O frabjous day!

The Jabberwocky has been vanquished!


I know that's not quite the Alice In Wonderland poem, but it served as a wonderful jumping-off point.

I waited for days and days.  I did not want to miss the news I had been longing to hear for the last four years.

I sat near the television or desktop constantly.  I tried to sleep some, but it was very difficult.  I was having trouble with my blood pressure and my heart rate.  Even as it became increasingly obvious who the victor would be, I still stressed and worried.

Finally, on Saturday, I broke my vigil to take a walk. When I got back, I saw they had announced that Biden was the President-Elect!  I was able to rewind the TV to the moment it happened.

One of the health things I have discovered recently is that I tend to get knee and leg pains more when we're on vacation.  Why?  My best analysis seems to be that if I'm seated too long, like in a car or plane, it causes the cycle to begin.

Sure enough, Alison and I took a mini-vacation starting Sunday, and my knee pain was immediate and intense.  But it was less than a three-hour ride to Beaufort, South Carolina. Why would that cause so much trouble?

It wasn't the car ride.  It was sitting frozen for almost five days waiting to hear the magic words - Biden is President-Elect!

I was so happy for my sister in Michigan to be part of a blue state again.  Anyone who watched the news can see that they're many anti-mask militia-types in the state, but I am so relieved they did not have the political clout to keep the state red.

Georgia?  Georgia was an unexpected blueberry on top.  I hoped that Georgia would start being competitive, but I was startled how soon it would happen.  It was the first election since 2002 using the new voting machines (that leave a paper trail) instead of the Diebold machines.  Using Diebold, no Democrat had won State-wide office.  Despite voter suppression efforts by the Republicans, determined Democratic-leaning voters slogged through every attempt, including waiting in one for hours and hours.

I have a lot more to say about the election, but I'm still recovering from my leg pains, and my time on the computer is limited.  I am getting better, though.

There is so much to talk about - the moronic stubbornness of Trump in accepting reality, the potential loss of the Senate and the importance of the Georgia Senate runoffs,  the loss of House seats and how PROGRESSIVES ARE NOT TO BLAME, whatever the hell Parler is, COVID-19 and how it has not magically disappeared like some of my right-wing friends thought it would, and on and on and now my foot hurts, and I'll say goodbye for now,

Welcome to the Blue Life!

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