Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Promise and Perils of the Politics of Hope: Saturday Political Soap Box 262

 I am grateful beyond measure that Biden/Harris won the election, and the Age of Trump will be coming to an end.  Over 80 million people voted for Biden/Harris, winning the popular vote by over six million, and by inverting 2016's electoral college vote - what was Trump 306 Clinton 232 was Biden 306 Trump 232 in 2020.


Close to 74 million people voted for Trump.  They took a look at the two candidates and voted for the fascist wannabe, the racist con artist, the misogynistic narcissist, and said, "Oh, yeah!  I'd like a big second helping of that!"

I am grateful that the Senate will be adding two new Democratic Senators, Mark Kelly of Arizona and John Hickenlooper of Colorado.


We left in place Moscow Mitch McConnell, Lyin' Lindsay Graham, and Susan Effin' Collins.

I am grateful that Georgia turned Blue, something I had grown skeptical of ever seeing.  I look forward to the Senate runoffs, where we could send John Ossoff and Raphael Warnock, two Democrats to the Senate.


Georgia is a distinctive baby blue, a very thin margin of blue, and the Democrat's record in statewide runoffs has been abysmal.  The Republicans will be way woke and will turn out en masse to nip this in the bud,  Every single Democratic voter...EVERY SINGLE ONE WITHOUT EXCEPTION...will have to turn out to even have a ghost of a chance.

And if both seats don't turn Blue, McConnell will be left in charge of the Senate, and all the great hopes of the Biden administration will go up in smoke.

Biden does not want a political civil war, a cultural divide.  He wants to reach out to and include Republicans.  With a divided Congress, it will be our only chance to get things done.


I see no evidence that Republicans are willing to compromise on anything.  Because 74 million voted for Captain Bone Spurs and seem to be most loyal to him, there is little reward for actually trying to govern the country.  McConnell will be inclined to repeat the same strategy of complete defiance he used at the beginning of the Obama administration - he was rewarded for his obstinance by huge seat gains in 2010 - why would he do anything differently now?

Biden will return to the correct belief that the gravest crisis facing the world is climate change.  


74 million people voted for a climate change denier, showing they don't really think it is a serious issue. That is a lot of resistance to work through.

Getting rid of Trump was the minimum needed to put democracy back on track and check this country's descent into fascism.  There are many roadblocks and perils to restoring genuine hope to this nation, but none of it is possible without that first step.


The threat is still out there.  A Senate either controlled by McConnell. or one so deeply split as to be ineffective. A House with a reduced Democratic majority.* A Supreme Court with a 6-3 uber-right majority.  74 million people endorsing Trumpism.  And Trump and his nastiness are not likely to go away, as he will probably escape convictions for his many crimes and take over a television network (like Newsmax or OAN).

Yes, it's not all puppies and roses.  But without Trump losing, things would be even darker.

As Superman would say, "We fight the neverending battle for truth, justice, and the American Way."*

Once again into the breach, my fellow Progressives, my friends of all stripes who are committed to the restoration of American Democracy.  

The neverending battle continues.

* the loss in House seats was strictly Blue dogs and moderates.  Progressives GAINED seats, and every single candidate who supported Medicare For All won re-election.  Being Republican Lite is NOT the answer.

**these are things Superman said, but I may have paraphrased them together.

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