Saturday, June 29, 2024

President Biden: A Great President Who had a Bad Debate: Saturday Political Soap Box 297

 Those who follow my blog will know that my last blog story was about pre-date analysis, with an update with post-debate analysis.

Based on how debates are decided in America, which concentrates on optics, Joe Biden lost the debate. He needed to prove he wasn't old, and he failed to do that.

What a shocker. Biden is old. No duh.

We can only guess what went wrong. He had a cold, he was overrehearsed, and he was hoarse. My feeling is it was a combination of all three. He was trying to spew too many facts and policies in too short a period. It was also hard to pick out what to refute in Trump's avalanche of lies.

Before the debate, I had someone comment that they hoped the debate would concentrate on facts and policy. Then, after the debate, with Biden concentrating on facts and policy, the same person commented, "Well, was I right? Are we doomed?" They completely IGNORED that one of the candidates was trying to talk about the things he wanted them to talk about!

My conclusion on the debate had to do with how I saw debates judged in the past. Optics is King. Snotty one-liers are Queen. But that conclusion does not negate the fact that the President has been a great, successful President who has the ability and mental capacity to continue to lead us to a better future.

Incumbent Presidents have frequently underperformed in their first debates—Reagan, George HW Bush Sr, Bush Jr., Barack Obama, Trump, and now Biden struggled in their first debates.

The idea that Biden is too far gone to be President is balderdash. Our economy was wrecked, and he brought it back quicker than any post-pandemic economy on the planet. The inevitable post-pandemic inflation was reduced faster here than in other countries. He didn't just have a zillion Infrastructure Weeks; he actually passed it! He's revitalized manufacturing and brought the chips industry back. He passed the PACT Act to ensure that Vets got the health care they needed, and he's helped control drugs for Seniors AND for all of us. He's helped millions reduce Student Debt. He's led the support, marshaling an international alliance, to help Ukraine against Russian aggression. He's done more to help combat and mitigate global warming/climate change than ANYONE else on the PLANET.

He's compassionate and decent and cares about ALL Americans.

If there had been a competitive primary in the Democratic Party, I would've voted for him. And I am one of those far-left Progressives who'd love to see people like AOC and Jasmine Crockett become President. 

If something happens to Biden, I have confidence in Vice President Kamala Harris. She is a strong, confident, and competent leader, and I feel at ease if she is called upon. I know many of you don't feel that way, but you'll need to ask yourselves why. What is there about Harris that bothers you? Hmmm.  What could it be?

I'll keep my remarks short on the lying convict who is his opponent. He answered NO policy questions and lied with every word he spoke. He's a self-centered son of B and one of the few people I actually hate. Sorry, not sorry.

Here's an example of Trump in a recent post-debate rally - "All they know is electric, they want electric army tanks, they want electric planes. What happens if the sun isn't shining while you're up in the air?"

Seriously - do you want to vote for somebody that STUPID?

The immediate reaction from some Democratic officials was DEFCON 1 HAIR ON FIRE! How can we replace him?

Not gonna happen, folks. Nor should it happen.

Other than that, everything is going pretty well. After the debate, Biden gave a barn burner of a speech, lighting up a large crowd.

Some recent post-debate polls on who you would vote for show Biden going UP, not down!

Fundraising post-debate shows more money going to Biden than Trump!

Now that the initial shock is wearing off, many pundits and social media users are coming out strongly in support of him.

I'm not voting based on one bad debate. Issues and facts mean something to me. Competency and decency mean something to me. The future of Democracy and the planet mean everything to me. I want my grandchild to grow up in a better world, where global warming has been checked and mitigated, where people enjoy and thrive in great diversity, where the American Dream hasn't been choked off by the concentration of wealth, where - as my faith leads me to believe, LOVE is stronger than HATE.

So, mark me down—I don't care what happened in this debate or in the next debate. I know who can lead this country to a brighter future—PRESIDENT JOSEPH R. BIDEN!



  1. Right with you!!!!

    1. Thanks. Hang in there! It's going to be a bumpy ride!

  2. Fantastic review of that so called "debate"! I agree with you 100%. 4 more years!! Vote Blue 🌊

    1. That has to be the main concern. Trump can't win. We need to regain the House and increase the majority in the Senate. That's the only thing that will give us a fighting chance against fascism and Project 2025.
