Thursday, July 4, 2024

Bucking Up

 Someone commenting on how concerned I and others were about recent events wanted to dismiss and ridicule our concern. They stated, "Buck up, Pal. All will be well. Trust me."


All is definitely not well. First, we had the egregious debate where all focus was on Biden's performance and little to nothing on the manic serial liar, condemning migrants, claiming the Democrats were killing babies after birth, and shouting one falsity after another. Biden talks too softly, and the media is ready to run him out of town, and the narcissistic misogynistic racist adjudicated sexual assaulter, adjudicated fraudster, convicted felon orange conman gets a pass. A man, who while President, wasn't available until noon, read no briefings, and wanted us to drink bleach. A man who, as a former President, slept and farted through his trial, can't complete a coherent thought, and wants to execute Liz Cheney, and the media shrugs its shoulders.

But, of course, that wasn't the only thing about last week. The Supreme Court, which has been making horrible decisions the last couple of decades, upped its game considerably with four democracy-ending positions.

They ruled that bribery is legal if it's done after the fact.

They ruled that federal agencies no longer have any actual authority. An expert who has spent his life learning about something can now be overruled by the courts, all the way to the Supreme Court. If a certain chemical is contaminating the water supply, who better to determine whether it needs to be regulated than our six far-right Supreme Court Justices? Corporations rule, and citizens drool (literally, depending on what containment is allowed).

They decided that the homeless could be thrown in prison for the crime of not having a home.

And the worst? They made Trump King by giving him immunity for "official acts." And who decides what an official act is? That's right - the Supreme Court.

Some of my like-minded friends have suggested that Biden can now commit criminal acts to advance his own national agenda. Au contraire, Pierre. You need to remember who decides what is or isn't an official act. That's right. It's the extremist six who are running roughshod over democracy.

After the opening paragraphs, our Declaration of Independence was all about not wanting to live under the rule of an authoritarian King who had immunity to do whatever he wanted to us.

And now, on July 1, 2024, we ended our rebellion against a King, and the Supreme Court decided to restore us to a Monarchy.

Buck up? No, this is a DEFCON red alert emergency.

But, trust me, we will be bucking up. Just not in the way my Facebook commenter wanted us to.

We will be bucking up to fight this coming darkness in any way we can.

We will be doubling down in our support of Biden/Harris. 

We will sound the alarm about the Supreme Court, MAGA, Christian Nationalism, and Project 2025.

We will stand up to those who want to take away our rights and freedoms - women's right to reproductive health care, voting rights, support for our lgbtq+ community, support our public schools and libraries, defend our commitment to NATO, fight to reduce income inequality, struggle to make education, healthcare, and housing more affordable, to raise wages and encourage unions, to extend our respective faiths through the power of love and inclusion, and not the power of hate and exclusion.

Yes, there may come a time when we can't fight back, but that time is not here yet.

Until then...



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