Monday, July 22, 2024



For today, I will let President Biden's eloquent letter speak for itself.

In general, yes, it's true. My initial reaction is anger at those Democrats and big media sources that put us in this position. A lot of this was stirred up much bigger than it needed to be.

Regardless of my feelings, this is the decision the President has made. I honor and respect it.

In a way that is virtually unprecedented among politicians, he has put the country's interests ahead of his own.

Can you picture Trump doing anything like this? There are TONS more reasons for Trump to leave the race, and yet, no one can conceive in any reality where he would do such a thing.

President Biden loves his country. Trump loves himself.

Vice President Harris is highly qualified to lead this country. I have already sent donations and will get my bumper sticker once her Vice Presidential choice is confirmed.

Yes, I want to see Donald Trump beaten and never set foot near the Oval Office, not ever again. And, yes, I would vote for a ham sandwich over Trump.  

But with Kamala Harris, I don't have to make that stark choice. She is highly qualified, highly intelligent, empathetic, and decent. She is the President we need at this time, and if there was an open primary, I would vote for her over everyone else.

She's not asking my advice for her Vice President pick, but if she were, I would tell her to double down on an all-female ticket. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is my favorite. Let's make it truly Roevember!

For those of you who think it is not a good idea to have two women on the ticket, I would like to remind you of what Hillary did in 2016—she selected the blandest white man she could find—Virginia Senator Tim Kaine. Although she won the popular vote (DECISIVELY), she lost some critical swing states in the electoral college. Most pundits agree that going the bland white man route did not help her, not a whit.

I don't value excitement over competency, so I was initially upset by the people who said they were now excited about the election. Sadly, though, I know how politics work. Personalities sometimes overshadow ability.

But, after some reflection, I realize that we now have the best of both worlds - an exciting candidate who is also highly competent.

And now, who has the old man in the race? The Republicans. One who REALLY is suffering from severe cognitive decline and mental illness. Good luck with that!

Let's go, America!

KAMALA 2024!!! 

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