Saturday, July 30, 2011

Saturday Political Soap Box 5

I would love to bring up something beside the self-inflicted artificial debt crisis that has consumed Washington and the MSM (Main Stream Media). But almost any other topic I bring up will get lost in the whirlwind. There's so many ways to take this. But the bottom line is that we shouldn't be dealing with it at all. Passing the debt ceiling is just a stupid accounting trick. I'm not even sure why it has to be voted on, since in reality, constitutionally, it can't be turned down. This is money they've already spent. Rejecting the debt ceiling will only make it harder to pay on items that have already been guaranteed or purchased. It will destroy the country's credit rating and increase the interest on everything we pay on.

My primary objection then is that this is not the place to bring up budget matters, whether spending or taxes. We understand about negotiating with terrorists and criminals, but when it's the whole country held hostage we let it slide. President Obama is to blame for even allowing so-called negotiations in the first place. One of the great fallacies of reasoning in the Obama White House and the Democratic leadership is that if they stand firm, everyone but the liberal base will abandon them. They are wrong. America respects a strong leader. Even if they don't get everything they want, they love someone who "gits-er-done". No, that doesn't mean dictatorial control, but it does mean firm, clear, principled leadership. I believe with all my heart that the President is principled, just not so much on the firm part.

I would like to ask, if the debt ceiling fails to get raised, and the inevitable catastrophe results, who are you going to blame?

I mean to me, since it's been raised so consistently over so many years, some new element of insanity must have been introduced into our body politic. And that of course, is Tea Party Amerika. It's an awful insanity that won't burn itself out until it's taken the whole country with it. Honest to God, I don't see how anyone can make a case for anything else. Remember, this has nothing to do with the budget or whoever has overspent or under collected in the past. This has to do with one simple question. Are we going to follow the 14th amendment of our Constitution and honor our debts or not?

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