Saturday, July 4, 2015

Flying the Flag the Right Way

To help clear up any confusion, this is the flag you should fly on the Fourth of July.

It should be displayed properly and respectfully.  It should be handled properly, raised up properly,  It should not be left out in the rain,  It should not be out at night if not properly lit.  It should be lowered and folded properly when taken down.

This is not a respectful display of the flag.  It is not meant to be a piece of clothing, or a belt buckle, or a cigarette lighter, or any thing other than the proper, respectful display of the flag.  We are so worried about flag desecration through burning, but there are so many other ways to desecrate the flag.

The flag of the United States has no business being combined with religion, especially in this way (on the other hand,having the flag in the church properly displayed on a stand or flagpole, alone or in conjunction with other flags, seems understandable).  We are a secular nation, with separation of church and state bred in our DNA.  And speaking as a Christian, having the flag draped across the cross?  Sacrilegious! And Jesus is not an AMERICAN savior - he is EVERYONE'S!  Worldly borders mean NOTHING to him!

And I should never, ever, ever see the Confederate flag displayed, particularly on the Fourth!  It is the flag of the treasonous people who tried to destroy the union, and to both preserve and EXTEND slavery.  Ir represents the very polar opposite of what the United States flag represents.

The flag of the United States is a symbol of liberty and freedom - FOR ALL!!!  It represents not an end point, but a journey.  From the Bill of rights, to voting rights for African Americans and women, to civil rights for LGBT citizens, for the rights of workers to unionize and improve their working conditions, for women to have control of their healthcare, and on and on!  That is what the flag is about!  A journey that began 239 years ago and continues to get bolder, better, more tolerant and inclusive EVERY SINGLE DAY!

Here's to the Original Pledge of Allegiance - 

"I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to the republic for which

it stands: one nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for 


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