Friday, August 12, 2016

My Europa Part 3

Close observers of my blog will realize I have not posted Part 2 of My Europa.  Part 2 is a bit more R-rated than the other parts, and mature readers will need to buy the full story when it is ready.  I will tell you that Part 2 introduces one of the central characters, Congressperson Geraldo Barista, who finds his "activities" interrupted when he is called to a committee meeting of the Congressional Science and Space Committee.  He serves as Vice Chair.


"Hear ye!  Hear ye!  This all hearing is now in order!" said Congressperson Dabney Reynolds, pounding his gavel with the force and spirit of Thor.  "Well, look at the stragglers!  Congresspersons Jefferson and Pinkyard, nice of y'all to show up!  Outside conferring with th' flowers, I suppose?"
Congressperson Gerald Jefferson of Pennsylvania, a Progressive and a member of the Black Caucus, took his seat at the left end of the dais, while Congressperson Louise Pinkyard, the freshman from Alabama, replacing her deceased husband in the most recent election took her seat on the right, one of only three committee representatives from the New Conservative Party.  Even though about as far apart politically as you could get, the two had struck up a close friendship, bonding over the congressional basketball league.  Both had played in college, Louise being part of a national championship team from Auburn.
Reynolds turned to the committee legal Counsel, Thaddeus Wright, and complained, "We need to get this underway!  Where the hell is that little Vice Chairman of mine?  Am I gonna have to start this without him?"  As Thaddeus shrugged, Congressperson Barista flew in and plopped into his seat next to the chairman.
"I'm not too late, am I?  I beat the buzzer, didn't I?"  he said to Reynolds with a sly smirk.  "Let's get the party started, Chairman Reynolds!  I can't wait to find out what's going on!"  Barista noticed that there was a huge TV screen that had been brought in against the right wall, but he didn't have time to ask anyone what that meant.
"What's going on is we are in order," and Reynolds gaveled again to emphasize his point.  "We're still three short, but we're not waiting for anyone else.  Gentle people, let me introduce you to our esteemed guests, sitting in the front row.  They are going to tell us about some important events in connection with the Nautilus IV.  If the representatives from NASA and the Pentagon could please stand up, and briefly state who you are, that would be most helpful."
About a dozen people stood up and introduced themselves.  They included General Davidson from the Joint Chief of Staffs, Roy Teller the lanky head of NASA, Dr. Arjun Chopra., and Dr. Foster Nobles, one of the foremost biologists in the world.
"I cannot stress enough the confidentiality of what you are about to hear.  We are a big, messy committee, with representatives from six different political parties, but we all share a common commitment to the best interests of our great nation.  That is why, other than our legal counsel, there will be no aides present.  Until we understand what we're dealing with, and have established a general course of action, these hearings will be secret.  That means you can't talk about this to anyone outside this committee room. Not your aides, not your fellow congresspeople or party officials, not even your family or spouse.  That goes double for you, George!"  The dais tittered with laughter.  Republican Congressperson George Bush of Florida was married to Fox Newscaster Ellen Reeves Bush.
Then the speakers began, and the story they laid out for the committee was fantastic.  Apparently, the Nautilus IV had cracked the ice, and had descended into the ocean underneath.  The first wave of excitement started when it was quickly confirmed that the ocean was teeming with micro biotic life.
But it didn't stop there.  Dr. Arjun Chopra stood up and turned to the video footage that had come in from the Nautilus IV.
"As you can see, the Nautilus is easily traveling in the dark blue waters of the Europaian Ocean.  You see the light emanating from the front of the vehicle.  The dandelion-like seeds that the light is capturing are some of the suspected spores that the analysis from the Nautilus quickly discovered.  At first we though they were just free floating, but you can see that some of them are definitely moving."  Barista noted one spore, stark white with multiple spokes coming from its center darting to and fro, as if it was trying to get the best view it could of the Nautilus IV.
The import of this stuck everyone immediately.  The existence of life outside of Planet Earth was a reality now.  It would be even difficult for the theocratic New Conservative Party to deny, although Barista thought they still might try.  Heck, some of them were still denying global warming.  Even the great Miami flood of '29 meant nothing to them.  Much had been done since the early 20s to check the effects of climate change, but some of the damage was too late to reverse.
Different committee members broke decorum to discuss amongst themselves.  Congressperson Barbara Winstead, a Progressive from Oregon who sat to the right of Barista, muttered to him, “Well, that’s gonna throw a monkey wrench into the New Conservative’s exclusivity theory, isn’t it?”  Barbara was short, thin and fragile looking, but that belied the powerhouse she could be when she got her dander up, and that happened quite often.
Barista shrugged.  “Who knows?  You’d be surprised what those theocrats can pull out of their ass to explain things away.”
As if to answer him, from the other end of the dais came the booming voice of Congressperson Buddy J. Dixon of Georgia, a New Conservative member who looked as if he were a redneck sheriff ordered from central casting.  “This is re-donk-u-less!  Those little squigglies could be anything!  Probably jes’ dust brought in by the Nautilus itself!”
The room was brought to attention by the only voice with more authoritative boom than Congresspersons Reynolds and Dixon combined – General Davidson.  “Gentlemen, please!  What you have seen is only the beginning!  If you would just refocus and see what’s next, you will realize the true magnitude of what we’re facing.  Dr. Chopra, if you could please resume the video?”
The entire room snapped to attention and turned to Dr. Chopra and the video screen.  “I’m going to resume the footage now and let it speak for itself.  After it is shown, I and Dr. Nobles will do our best to explain what it may be we’re seeing, and try to answer your questions.”
At first, all they saw were the dancing spores, although they were increasing in number.  Suddenly, the cloud of spores split apart, as if making way for something else.  The Nautilus cameras picked up in the distance a green, glowing shape.  As it got closer it became more defined.  It was long, at least as long as the three-foot-tall window of the Nautilus.  It was thin, not quite as thin as a snake, and it had appendages, two near the top of its body.  The appendages reached out to the window, and a strange three fingered hand attached itself to the window, little suctions at the ends of its fingers. It came closer to the window and the room gasped as it clearly had a face! An alien face, yes, but a face nonetheless.  Strange compound eyes, with a slightly red cast, two slits for a nose, something that could have been a mouth, even a small protruding of what could have been a chin.  Below that, there were multiple slitted openings that could have been gills.  It looked more curious than angry, but that may have been just trying to humanize it, and imply emotions to something completely alien.  Barista thought it looked like somebody anthropomorphized  a green salamander.
The creature turned its head away, as if it heard something coming.  Suddenly, it was knocked away by something big and black and huge.  Then whatever it was knocked heavily into the Nautilus.  The footage was shaky, as if the craft was experiencing an earthquake.  It was engulfed in darkness, as if whatever it was had completely enveloped it, or maybe even swallowed it.  The video hissed, turned white, and then stopped.  The screen went black.
“Oh, my god!’ whispered Barbara, terror in her voice.  “What the hell was that?”
Congressperson Geraldo Barista just nodded, his eyes wide open, the color drained from his face.
What the hell was that, indeed?

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