Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Monday's Eclipse was Full of Clouds

It was the perfect Monday to see the eclipse.

Yes, it was cloudy, and sometimes it would disappear, and at other times just glimpsable beyond the cloud cover.

But I was home.

It was the first Monday of my new semi-retirement that I stayed completely home without going in to work, not even for a few minutes.

I was able to go Alison's work, and watch it with her.  That was pretty special.  Pierce County let their students stay, go outside, and observe it together.  Every student and staff member were given special eclipse glasses.

We got to about 92% sun coverage here.  That was quite a bit, but it only gave it a dusky feel - it did not truly get dark.  

Something about must have driven the love bugs mad, at least in their relationship with me. Normally they leave me alone, but during the height of the eclipse, they were landing on me, and I swear, biting me, which I don't recall them ever doing before.  There was also the usual contingent of gnats - they're attracted to me 24/7.

There was also a slight drop in temperature.  That part was much appreciated.

The best TV images I saw were from Maderas, Oregon, where it did get pitch dark. Then the switched to a night vision camera, and it spoiled the fun of looking at it.  Good Lord, let us see what it's really like.  We're not Navy Seals on an anti-terrorist strike.

The rest of the day was enjoyable, getting back into the fiction writing groove.

I didn't mind the clouds so much.  Starting a new kind of Monday, seeing the eclipse with Alison, getting my writing and acting grooves back, made it berry, berry special.

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