Monday, January 22, 2018

Feverish Monday Musings

The flu has come for a visit at the Strait household.

At first, it was Benjamin.  He started to feel ill Friday night.  This was worrying him, because our Saturday plans were to go Atlanta where we would see Doug and Paige, and Alison and Benjamin would see They Might Be Giants in concert.  This was Benjamin's major Christmas present, and he had been looking forward to it for a long time.

But on Saturday morning, he was in the full bloom of it, feeling miserable, with all the flu symptoms, including high fever.   Reluctantly, we canceled the trip.  As his fever showed little improvement, later that afternoon Alison took him to Applecare, a convenient care facility - you know, what we're getting in replacement of doctors, clinics, and hospitals.  I did not go as I was starting to feel poorly - although not as bad as Benjamin.

There were many people there, and they waited a long time, and by the time they saw someone, it was too late to get medicine from a pharmacy.  I guess all-night pharmacies don't exist in Waycross?  Someone can correct me if I'm wrong.

There has been some improvement in Benjamin, and there are strong hopes he can go to school Tuesday.  They said he needs to be free of fever 12 to 24 hours before going out.

Meanwhile, I am starting to slump more.  I had a rough night last night, getting little sleep, coughing a lot, congestion, fever, etc.  On Sunday morning, I remembered that there were two annual sales taxes that I have done in prior years that I had not done at work.  It's hard to tell with my new work schedule (on call) whether they were mine to do or not, but I didn't want them to be left out.  I sent an email to several work associates. and got a response back from a firm partner that he would take care of them, indeed that he did not want me back to work until I was completely well. His wife has a medical condition that has left her immune system weakened, and didn't want to take chances that he would pick up something and bring it home.  That was very understandable to me.

The last time I had anything like this was the year 2000, at around this time of year.  It was in my first tax season with my current employer.  I kept working, and fever was approaching 103 before I went to a care facility.  They gave me what they called a Z-Pack.  I asked when I could go back to work, so sick, praying for a doctor-mandated break, and what they said was - you can go back to work right away, you're past being contagious.  Wow.  What a difference 18 years makes!  If I was told what Benjamin was told, I might have gone to work for several days!  Oh, well.

A further irony of getting the flu right now is that this is the first year I had ever gotten a flu shot.  Not making any judgements - just sayin'.

Benjamin will not be going to school today, or play practice tonight.  I am home, but I haven't decided on play practice tonight.  But if I'm coughing so much I can't say my lines. that's probably not a good sign.

And then...Alison got up today with a cough and congestion.  I hate to think that's she's going to bully her way through work, but she may be unstoppable.  I'll do what I can to slow her down.  As soon as I get over this coughing fit.

Until next time,

T. M. Strait

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