Saturday, March 14, 2020

Important Information for the OHC Writer's Guild

I'm doing this as a blog post entry, as it is the best way I know to paragraph and provide more than a line or two of information.

First, the Waycross-Ware County Library has canceled all programs and activities through April 6yth.  This would include our April 2nd meeting.

This is a difficult, scary, and challenging time for all citizens of this shrinking globe.  All we can do is follow the advice of our medical and pandemic experts.  Social distancing and canceling of events is an integral part of controlling the severity and extent of the outbreak.  But we cannot afford to have millions fall in at the same time.  We do not have the hospital and medical facilities to handle that.

How long this will last is anyone's guess.  Extensive testing and isolation measures have helped slow the disease in China and South Korea.  If we could do the same, this may be mitigated here in the USA.  But...right now, we don't have the testing capacity.  We have a skeptical populace, some wh even consider what's happening is an overaction, and maybe even a hoax.  I don't go along with that thinking.  This is real, and we need to show that the world has grown in knowledge and response, and prevent this from reaching 1918 Spanish influenza levels.

So, for right now, in-person activities of the OHC Writer's Guild have been suspended.  We will have a meeting at either the library or the Heritage Center, as soon as we can in April.  At this point, I cannot project am exact date.  But it will occur when it is safe and practical to do so.

This could not come at a worse time,  We have shown some signs of recent growth, but it is terribly hard to maintain when our meetings are not routine.  But, circumstances what they are, we're going to do the best we can.

The next important question, one I need immediate feedback on, is -

What are we going to do about the Writing Contest?

Reasons to continue:  it is an activity that does not require much in the way of human contact, the publicity (limited as it may be) has already started, and even the numbers are low, it may be good to get back on track with it.

Reasons not to continue:  it is hard to promote at a time when people are not meeting and gathering points are limited, the schools are either closed or (I project), or are closing soon, choking off a critical point to fuel our contest, and we have no assurances as to when or if we can hold an awards ceremony.  

My honest opinion is that we cancel the contest and move it to the Fall.  I see little chance of proper promotion and response right now.  But I could easily be persuaded otherwise.  I need to hear from YOU, fellow members, and our I need to hear from our primary sponsors, the Okefenokee Heritage Center and the Waycross-Ware County Library.

I would like us to reach a final decision no later than this Wednesday.  If we decide yes, then I will do everything in my power to make the contest the best it can be.  But I cannot do it alone, particularly in tax season.  I will need the help of all of our members and sponsors.

As we navigate through this crisis, my thoughts and prayers are with all of us.  There is much of this I understand (helps to know the history and the effects of past outbreaks).  There are some parts I do not understand, like the weird and inexplicable run on toilet paper.

I will try to up the online ante on our group and page.  I will do everything I can to keep up our social connectivity,  And let me end on this special note -

Reading and writing are perfect activities to help you through social distancing!

So, please, share your thoughts and projects on our group and page.  This should not be, cannot be, a one-person show.   Even if we can't meet, even if our contest is delayed, we can still meet and exchange ideas and writings in the virtual community.

See you there!

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